Manual Bleeding
Use Mopar brake fluid, or an equivalent quality fluid meeting SAE J1703-F and DOT 3 standards only. Use fresh, clean fluid from a sealed container at all times.
1. Remove reservoir filler caps and fill reservoir.
2. If calipers were overhauled, open all caliper bleed screws. Then close each bleed screw as fluid starts to drip from it. Top off master cylinder reservoir once more before proceeding.
3. Attach one end of bleed hose (1) to bleed screw and insert opposite end in glass container (2) partially filled with brake fluid. Be sure end of bleed hose is immersed in fluid.
NOTE: Bleed procedure should be in this order (1) Right rear (2) Left rear (3) Right front (4) Left front.
4. Open up bleeder, then have a helper press down the brake pedal. Once the pedal is down close the bleeder. Repeat bleeding until fluid stream is clear and free of bubbles. Then move to the next wheel.
5. Before moving the vehicle verify the pedal is firm and not mushy.
6. Top off the brake fluid and install the reservoir cap.