Engine oil drawn up through the pickup tube and is pressurized by the oil pump and routed through the full-flow filter to the main oil gallery running the length of the cylinder block. A diagonal hole in each bulkhead feeds oil to each main bearing. Drilled passages within the crankshaft route oil from main bearing journals to connecting rod journals. Balance shaft lubrication is provided through an oil passage from the number one main bearing cap through the balance shaft carrier support leg. This passage directly supplies oil to the front bearings and internal machined passages in the shafts that routes oil from front to the rear shaft bearing journals. A vertical hole at the number five bulkhead routes pressurized oil through a restrictor (integral to the cylinder head gasket) up past a cylinder head bolt to an oil gallery running the length of the cylinder head. The camshaft journals are partially slotted to allow a predetermined amount of pressurized oil to pass into the bearing cap cavities. Lubrication of the camshaft lobes are provided by small holes in the camshaft bearing caps that are directed towards each lobe. Oil returning to the pan from pressurized components supplies lubrication to the valve stems. Cylinder bores and wrist pins are splash lubricated from directed slots on the connecting rod thrust collars.