Clutch: Service and Repair
1.6/2.4L MODELS (Except Turbo)
NOTE: It is necessary to bleed the clutch hydraulic release system if the system has lost an excessive amount of fluid and has ingressed air into the circuit. Air in the system typically results in a spongy pedal feel, and/or improper clutch release.
1. Verify fluid level in brake master cylinder. Top off with DOT 3 brake fluid as necessary. Leave cap off.
2. Raise vehicle on hoist.
3. Remove bleed port protective cap, and install suitable size and length of clear hose (2) to monitor and divert fluid into suitable container.
4. Release only the lower hydraulic tube snap ring (1), pull outward on tube (3) until it stops against the second ring, opening up the bleed circuit and starting the air purge and fluid fill process.
5. Lower vehicle, but only enough to gain access to and fill the brake master cylinder.
NOTE: Do not allow clutch master cylinder to run dry while fluid exits bleed port. If master cylinder runs dry, it is necessary to remove clutch master cylinder, position vertically (with pushrod down) for 10 seconds, and reinstall.
6. Top off brake master cylinder fluid level while air is purged and fluid drains from bleed port. Continue this until no air bubbles are seen and a solid column of fluid exists.
7. Close hydraulic bleed circuit. Insert hydraulic pipe fully into slave cylinder and depress retaining ring so both are closed (1), securing tube. Pull outward to verify connection. Remove drain hose.
8. From driver's seat, actuate clutch pedal 60-100 times. Replace dust cap onto bleed port.
9. Apply parking brake. Start engine and verify clutch operation and pedal feel. If pedal feels fine and clutch operates as designed, stop here. If pedal still feels spongy or clutch does not fully disengage, excessive air is still trapped within the system.
10. Verify fluid level in clutch master cylinder reservoir. Top off with DOT 3 brake fluid as necessary.
11. Raise vehicle on hoist.
12. Remove clutch slave cylinder assembly from the transaxle case (1), but do not disconnect from the system. Allow the slave cylinder to hang, making it the lowest part of the system.
CAUTION: While slave cylinder is detached from the transaxle, DO NOT actuate the clutch master cylinder. Damage to the slave cylinder will result.
13. Depress slave cylinder pushrod until it bottoms and then release. Repeat this at least 50 times, forcing trapped air upwards and out of the system.
14. Re-install slave cylinder (1) into position. 1.6L equipped models: Torque slave cylinder to case bolt to 12 Nm (105 in. lbs.). 2.4L equipped models: Torque slave cylinder to case bolt to 19 Nm (168 in. lbs.).
15. Lower vehicle.
16. Verify clutch operation. Repeat procedure if necessary.
17. Top off brake master cylinder fluid level with DOT 3 brake fluid as necessary.
1. Verify fluid level in brake master cylinder. Top off with DOT 3 brake fluid as necessary. Leave cap off.
2. Raise vehicle on hoist.
3. Remove bleed port protective cap, and install suitable size and length of clear hose (1) to monitor and divert fluid into suitable container.
4. Release only the inner (closest to bleed port) hydraulic tube snap ring (3), pull outward on tube (2) until it stops against the second ring, opening up the bleed circuit and starting the air purge and fluid fill process.
5. Lower vehicle, but only enough to gain access to and fill the brake master cylinder.
NOTE: Do not allow clutch master cylinder to run dry while fluid exits bleed port. If master cylinder runs dry, it is necessary to remove clutch master cylinder, position vertically (with pushrod down) for 10 seconds, and reinstall.
6. Top off brake master cylinder fluid level while air is purged and fluid drains from bleed port. Continue this until no air bubbles are seen and a solid column of fluid exists.
7. Close hydraulic bleed circuit. Insert hydraulic pipe fully into slave cylinder and depress retaining ring so both are closed (1), securing tube. Pull outward to verify connection. Remove drain hose. Replace dust cap on bleed port.
8. From driver's seat, actuate clutch pedal 60-100 times.
9. Apply parking brake. Start engine and verify clutch operation and pedal feel. If pedal feels fine and clutch operates as designed, stop here. If pedal still feels spongy or clutch does not fully disengage, excessive air is still trapped within the system, most likely at the master cylinder.
10. Remove clutch master cylinder body from dash panel or pedal bracket. Position cylinder body vertical (pushrod pointing down) for 10 seconds. Air bubbles will be seen escaping master cylinder.
11. Verify clutch operation. Repeat procedure if necessary.
12. Top off brake master cylinder fluid level with DOT 3 brake fluid as necessary.