Curb Height Measurement
STANDARD PROCEDURE-CURB HEIGHT MEASUREMENTThe wheel alignment is to be checked and all alignment adjustments made with the vehicle at its required curb height specification.
Vehicle height is to be checked with the vehicle on a flat, level surface, preferably a vehicle alignment rack. The tires are to be inflated to the recommended pressure. All tires are to be the same size as standard equipment. Vehicle height is checked with the fuel tank full of fuel, and no passenger or luggage compartment load.
Vehicle height is not adjustable. If measurement is not within specifications, inspect vehicle for bent or weak suspension components. Compare parts tag on suspect coil spring(s) to parts book and vehicle sales code, checking for a match. Once removed from vehicle, compare coil spring height to a correct new or known good coil spring. The heights should vary if the suspect spring is weak.
1. Measure from the inboard edge of the wheel opening fender lip directly above the wheel center (spindle), to the floor or alignment rack surface.
2. When measuring, maximum left-to-right differential is not to exceed 20 mm (0.79 inch).
3. Compare measurements to specifications listed in the following chart.