Accelerator Pump Stroke
Fig. 8 Staged accelerator pump adjustment:
Fig. 9 Choke control lever adjustment:
First Stage. Ensure throttle connector rod is in center hole on three hole pump arm or inner hole on two hole pump arm. With idle adjusting screw adjusted to the specified curb idle speed, measure distance from air horn surface to top of accelerator pump plunger. If equipped with an idle stop solenoid the ignition switch must be in the on position. Dimension should be as shown in the specifications chart. Bend throttle connector rod at lower angle to adjust, Fig. 8.
Second Stage. With choke in the open position, open throttle until secondary lockout latch is just applied. Plunger downward travel stops at this point. Measure distance from air horn surface to top of accelerator pump plunger. Dimension should be as shown in the specification chart. Bend tang on throttle to adjust, Fig. 8.
1. Be sure throttle connector rod is in the specified hole of the pump arm.
2. Use a scale to measure height of the accelerator pump plunger stem (top) at curb idle. Pump heights are shown in specifications.
3. Adjust plunger height by bending the throttle connector rod in the proper area, Fig. 9.