Electric Assist Choke Servicing & Testing
NOTE: The electric assist choke system is not adjustable, however, the choke linkage and shaft must move freely hot or cold. Carefully inspect choke rods for bending, as a bent rod will not operate properly. When installing carburetor, use caution to prevent entrapment of the choke rod. If the rod becomes trapped, release it by carburetor removal, rather than using force.CHOKE CONTROL SWITCH TEST
1. Check test light by connecting between battery terminals. On models with dual stage choke, note intensity of light.
2. Before starting engine, disconnect ignition harness electrical connector from control switch.
3. Connect test light to the load (choke) terminal of the control switch and to ground.
4. Start engine and allow it to reach normal operating temperature.
5. Apply 12 volts to the ignition harness terminal of control switch.
6. If test light does not light or have the same intensity as that noted in step 1, the control switch is defective and must be replaced.
1. Disconnect B+ wire from control switch.
2. Connect an ohmmeter between an exposed portion of the choke wire connector at the switch (not the B+ terminal), and ground.
3. Electrical resistance of 4-12 ohms is normal. If ohmmeter reading indicates an open or short, replace choke assembly.