Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
Fig. 21 Cylinder head bolt removal sequence:
Fig. 22 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence:
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and drain cooling system.
2. Remove upper radiator hose, then disconnect heater hoses.
3. Disconnect spark plug wires at spark plugs, then remove distributor.
4. Remove carburetor to valve cover bracket.
5. Disconnect fuel lines from fuel pump, then remove fuel pump.
6. Remove cylinder head cover attaching bolts, then the cylinder head cover.
7. Disconnect all electrical connectors and vacuum lines from cylinder head.
8. Disconnect throttle linkage from carburetor, then remove water pump belt and pulley.
9. Rotate crankshaft until No. 1 piston is at TDC.
10. Paint a white reference mark on the timing chain in line with timing mark on camshaft sprocket.
11. Remove camshaft sprocket bolt, sprocket and distributor drive gear.
12. Raise and support vehicle, then disconnect air feed lines.
13. Remove power steering pump and position aside.
14. Disconnect ground strap and remove dipstick tube.
15. Remove exhaust manifold heat shield, then disconnect exhaust pipe from catalytic converter and lower vehicle.
16. Remove cylinder head bolts in sequence shown in Fig. 21.
17. Reverse procedure to install. Refer to cylinder head bolt tightening sequence, Fig. 22, and torque cylinder head bolts in two steps as follows:
a. Torque all bolts to 35 ft. lbs.
b. Torque all bolts except No. 11 to 69 ft. lbs. on a cold engine or 75 ft. lbs. on a hot engine.
c. Torque cylinder head to chain case cover bolts, No. 11, to 156 inch lbs.