Distributor Assembly Replacement
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Disconnect distributor wiring harness, then lift off distributor cap with ignition cables attached and position aside.
3. Disconnect vacuum hose at vacuum control unit.
4. Remove distributor mounting bolt, then the distributor assembly.
Fig. 5 Distributor housing to driven gear alignment:
Fig. 6 Distributor installation:
1. Rotate crankshaft until piston of No. 1 cylinder is at top dead center on compression stroke.
2. Align mating mark line on distributor housing with punch mark on distributor gear, Fig. 5.
3. Install distributor onto cylinder head.
4. Align mating mark on distributor attaching flange with center of distributor flange stud, Fig. 6.
5. Install mounting nut, then install vacuum hose(s), wiring harness and distributor cap.
6. Check and reset ignition timing as necessary. Refer to ``Tune Up'' for procedure.