Maintenance: Technical Service Bulletins
- Recalls
- Recall - Excessive HC and CO Emissions and Exhaust Leak
- Overview
- Vehicle List
- Recall Completion Label Requirement
- Parts
- Owner Notification and Service Scheduling
- Service Procedure
- A.Carburetor Feedback System Testing
- B.Install Carburetor Choke Adjustment Shim
- C.Clean the SUB-EGR Valve
- D.Adjust the Fast Idle Speed
- E.Clean the EGR Valve and Passages
- F.Reinstall Carburetor
- G.Modify the Vacuum Hoses
- H.Exhaust Manifold Inspection
- I.Install Intermediate Harness
- J.Install New Hose Routing and Recall Completion Labels
- Completion Reporting and Reimbursement
- Owner Letter
- Dealer Instructions
- Recall - Excessive HC and CO Emissions and Exhaust Leak
- Customer Interest
- By Symptom
- Abnormal wear/deterioration
- Customer Interest
- Driveability
- Noise
- Recalls
- Recall - Excessive HC and CO Emissions and Exhaust Leak
- Overview
- Vehicle List
- Recall Completion Label Requirement
- Parts
- Owner Notification and Service Scheduling
- Service Procedure
- A.Carburetor Feedback System Testing
- B.Install Carburetor Choke Adjustment Shim
- C.Clean the SUB-EGR Valve
- D.Adjust the Fast Idle Speed
- E.Clean the EGR Valve and Passages
- F.Reinstall Carburetor
- G.Modify the Vacuum Hoses
- H.Exhaust Manifold Inspection
- I.Install Intermediate Harness
- J.Install New Hose Routing and Recall Completion Labels
- Completion Reporting and Reimbursement
- Owner Letter
- Dealer Instructions
- Recall - Excessive HC and CO Emissions and Exhaust Leak
- Vibration
- All Technical Service Bulletins
- Vehicle and Component Identification
- Overview
- Vehicle Identification Number
- Vehicle Identification Number 1986 Passenger Car
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Defined 1986 Truck, Van, Wagon, Mpv
- General Information
- Body Code Plate
- Engine Identification Numbers
- Transmission Identification
- Vehicle Identification Number Colt
- Vehicle Identification Conquest
- Vehicle Identification Ram 50 - Power Ram 50
- Vehicle Identification Colt Vista
- Spark Plugs - Oil Fouling/Misfire on Hard Acceleration
- Recall - Excessive HC and CO Emissions and Exhaust Leak
- Overview
- Vehicle List
- Recall Completion Label Requirement
- Parts
- Owner Notification and Service Scheduling
- Service Procedure
- A.Carburetor Feedback System Testing
- B.Install Carburetor Choke Adjustment Shim
- C.Clean the SUB-EGR Valve
- D.Adjust the Fast Idle Speed
- E.Clean the EGR Valve and Passages
- F.Reinstall Carburetor
- G.Modify the Vacuum Hoses
- H.Exhaust Manifold Inspection
- I.Install Intermediate Harness
- J.Install New Hose Routing and Recall Completion Labels
- Completion Reporting and Reimbursement
- Owner Letter
- Dealer Instructions
- Wheels/Tires - Vibration and Road Shake At 45-65 Mph
- Tire/Wheel - Vibration and Shake
- Distributor Advance Unit - Spark Knock Condition
- Propane Idle Mixture - Adjustment Procedure
- Engine - Oil Application
- Engine Oil - New `SG' Level Oil
- Engine Coolant - Recycling Recommendations
- Rear Axle Shaft - Retaining Nut Lock Washers
- Wheels - Reconditioned Wheel Usage
- Steering/Suspension - Wheel Hub/Bearing Inspection COLL.
- Collision - Safety Cert./Tire Press. Label Replacement
- Vehicle and Component Identification