Ignition Timing: Adjustments
NOTE: Check curb idle speed and adjust if necessary before proceding to the following procedures.
1. Place transmission in neutral and turn OFF all lights and accessories.
2. Connect timing light to number 1 cylinder. Refer to timing light manufacturer's instructions for proper connecting procedures.
3. START engine and allow to warm up to normal operating temperature.
4. Disconnect and plug vacuum supply hose from distributor vacuum advance unit.
Magnetic Timing Probe Receptacle:
Distributor Hold-Down:
5. Check timing by pointing timing light at the front crankshaft pulley from under the car. The timing scale is located behind the crankshaft pulley on the drivers side of the engine under the vehicle. If timing is within 2~ of specifications do not adjust. If timing is incorrect, loosen distributor hold-down bolt and rotate distributor housing until correct timing specification is obtained. Refer to SPECIFICATIONS.
6. Tighten distributor hold-down bolt, and recheck timing. Unplug and reconnect vacuum supply hose to the distributor vacuum advance unit.
7. Recheck idle RPM.
NOTE: There is an additional socket next to the timing scale, it is a socket for a magnetic timing probe. Do not set the timing through this socket with a standard timing light. This socket is positioned 10 degrees ATDC and will yield inaccurate timing specifications if used with a standard timing light.