STANDARD/FIXED STEERING COLUMN - DISASSEMBLYWARNING: Safety goggles should be worn at all times when involved with steering column service.
(1) Pry the wiring trough retainers outward and lift the wiring trough from the retainers. Replacement retainers could be necessary for assembly.
(2) To remove the transmission shift lever (if applicable), use masking tape to protect the paint and a deep socket wrench to re-enforce the shift housing, then "drive" the retaining roll pin out with a punch.
(3) Remove the breakaway capsules and secure the steering column in a vise by clamping at the column support bracket. Do not distort the bracket.
(4) Remove the two screws that attach the lock housing cover to the lock housing and remove the lock housing cover.
Fig 8 Wash/Wipe Switch Removal/Installation:
(5) Remove the wash/wipe switch.
(6) If applicable, pull the cover up the speed control stalk and remove the two screws that attach the multi-function control stalk sleeve to the wash/wipe switch.
(7) Rotate the control stalk shaft to the full clockwise position and remove the shaft from the switch by pulling it straight out of the switch.
(8) Remove the turn signal and flasher switch retaining screws and lift the switch upward out of the way.
(9) Detach the horn and the key lamp ground wires.
(10) Remove the retaining screw and lift the ignition key lamp out of the way.
(1) Remove the four screws that attach the bearing housing to the lock housing.
(2) Remove the "snap" retaining ring from the upper end of the steering shaft.
Caution: Do not allow steering shaft to slide out of the jacket.
(3) Remove the bearing housing from the shaft.
(4) Remove the lock plate spring and the lock plate from the steering shaft.
(5) Remove the steering column shaft from the lower end of the column.
(1) Remove the ignition key. Remove the screw and lift out the ignition key buzzer/chime switch from the lock housing.
(2) Remove the two screws that attach the ignition switch to the lock housing.
(3) Remove the ignition switch from the lock housing by rotating it 90 degrees on the rod and sliding it off the rod.
(4) Remove the two attaching screws from the dimmer switch and disengage the switch from the actuator rod.
(5) Remove the two screws that attach the bellcrank and slide the bellcrank up into the lock housing until it can be disconnected from the ignition switch actuator rod.
(6) Place the key/lock cylinder in the "LOCK" position and remove the key.
- Insert two small diameter pry bars (or other appropriate tools) into both keyl lock cylinder release holes and push inward to release the spring loaded lock retainers.
Note: The key/lock cylinder lower release hole is located immediately above the buzzer/chime switch attaching screw hole.
- At the same time, pull the key/lock cylinder out of the lock housing bore as shown.
(7) Grasp the lock lever and spring and pull them straight out of the lock housing as shown.
(8) Remove the four lock housing-to-column jacket hex-head attaching screws and remove the lock housing plate and housing from jacket.
(9) When removing the lock housing from the steering column jacket, rotate it 90 degrees to disengage it from the ignition switch actuator rod.
(1) To remove the shift tube, use Tool C-4584 to force the shift tube out of the plastic shift housing.
(2) To install the shift tube, use Tool C-4584 with Installation Tool C-4584-2. Ensure that the keyway is aligned with the slot in the plastic shift housing.