Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

General Information

Vehicle Identification Number

The vehicle identification number consists of a combination of seventeen letters and numbers. The first eleven elements identify the model, body type, GVW class, engine, model year and assembly plant.

The last six elements indicate the plant building sequence. Vehicle Identification Number is located on the Vehicle Identification Plate, Equipment Identification Plate, and the applicable U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards "Certification Label" and Frame Rail. Refer to V.I.N. Chart for code and sample V.I.N.

Fig. 1 - Vehicle Identification Plate:

Vehicle Identification Plate

The vehicle identification plate as shown in (Fig. 1) is attached to the rear face of the driver's door, or on the "B" post, on all models.

Fig. 2 - Vehicle Certification Label:

Vehicle Safety Certification Labels

A vehicle safety certification label, Figure 2, is attached to the rear facing of the driver's door on all models. This label reflects the date of manufacture numerically month and year in the upper right hand corner, Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR), Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) front, Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) rear and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). A Month-Day-Hour (MDH) number is included on this label in the lower left hand corner which indicates a Month, Day and Hour manufacturing control point.

This label, when applied, verifies vehicle conformation to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in effect on the date of manufacture.

All communications or inquiries regarding a vehicle should include the Month-Day-Hour and Vehicle Identification Number.