Vent Wing and Glass Run Assembly
Vent Wing And Glass Run:
1. Lower glass and remove inner weatherstrip.
2. When removing inner belt weatherstrip use care not to scratch the beltline paint.
3. Free the clip on the inner section of the weatherstrip with a wire hook or suitable tool.
4. Pull back upper glass run 8 to 10 inches (20-25 Cm).
5. Remove upper and lower vent wing attaching screws.
6. Remove vent wing, taking care to avoid paint damage from glass lower pivot adjusting screws.
1. Install plastic nut and "U" nut on vent wing assembly.
2. Install vent wing assembly into door taking care not to damage paint with lower pivot adjusting screw.
3. Install upper and lower vent wing attachment screws.
4. Move glass run back to vent wing by placing run adjacent to door channel and press into channel using wide bladed screwdriver or similar tool. Press in both inside corners to insure hidden lip engages in channel.
5. Install belt weatherstrip by aligning clips to holes in door and press in.
6. Raise or lower vent to maintain a 0.06 in. (1.6 mm) fore-aft glass freeplay then with glass up, tighten upper screws.
7. Hold vent against glass (glass down) and tighten lower screws.