Float Level Adjustments
1. Remove bowl cover assembly, then drain fuel into a suitable container.
2. Remove gasket, then invert float chamber cover assembly.
3. Using a universal depth gauge tool as shown, measure distance from bottom of float to surface of float chamber cover. Distance should be .787 ± .0394 inch. If measured distance is not within range, replacement of needle seat shim is indicated.
4. Select a suitable shim from shim service kit No. MD606952 to bring float level within indicated range. Service kit contains 3 shims: .0118 inch, .0157 inch, and .0196 inch. Adding or removing shims will change float level 3 times thickness of shim.
5. To install shim, remove pin, then the float and needle.
6. Remove retainer, then the needle seat using suitable pliers, When removing needle seat, clamp pliers on portion of seat marked A. Do not clamp pliers on portion of seat marked B.
7. Inspect filter for blockage or damage and replace as necessary.
8. Install new O-ring on needle seat, then the selected shim and filter.
9. Insert needle seat assembly into float chamber cover, then install and firmly tighten needle seat retainer.
10. Insert needle into needle seat, then install float and pin.
11. Check float level for proper adjustment.