Steering: Service and Repair
FIg. 1 Connecting pump pressure test equipment:
1. Disconnect pressure hose from pump and install gauge and shut-off valve C-3309-E and hoses C-4535 or equivalents as shown. Use an adapter to connect hoses to pump.
2. Bleed power steering system, then start engine and allow fluid to reach a temperature of approximately 131°F.
3. Set engine speed to 1000 RPM, then completely close shut-off valve. Do not close shut-off valve for more than 3 seconds, damage to pump may occur.
4. If pressure is not within minimum specifications, repair or replace pump. Refer to "Power Steering Pressure Specifications."
5. Completely open shut-off valve. If pressure is not within minimum specifications, check for clogged or collapsed oil line, or clogged oil line inside gearbox and repair as necessary.
6. With shut-off valve completely open, turn wheels completely right or left. If pressure is not within minimum specifications, valve of gearbox is faulty, replace gearbox.