Emission Maintenance Reminder Light (EMR) Reset
This output device is located in the instrument panel, and its purpose is to inform the driver that the vehicle requires scheduled maintenance for certain emission system components. The Single Board Engine Controller (SBEC) illuminates this lamp at certain mileage intervals. The controller keeps track of the vehicle mileage by monitoring the vehicle distance (speed) sensor. The EMR Lamp illuminates at 60,000 mi, 82,500 mi, and 120,000 mi.The manufacturer recommends performing the following procedures at these intervals:
60,000 miles
Replace EGR Valve
Replace EGR Tube (if equipped)
Clean EGR passage
Replace PCV Valve
82,500 miles
Replace Oxygen Sensor
120,000 miles
Replace EGR Valve
Replace EGR Tube (if equipped)
Clean EGR passage
Replace PCV Valve
The Emissions Maintenance Reminder (EMR) light can ONLY be reset through the use of a SCAN TOOL. If the engine controller is replaced, the current vehicle mileage needs to be entered into the EMR memory of the new controller. For more instructions on the use of a scan tool, refer to Computers and Control Systems/Testing and Inspection/Procedures.
For more information concerning emission control equipment, refer to EMISSION CONTROLS.