A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC )
Testing and Inspection
- Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions
- Manufacturer Code Charts
- Code to Test Chart
- Driveability (DR) Tests
- DR-1A CODE to DR TEST Chart (Checking for Fault Codes)
- DR-2A "Slow Change In Idle MAP Signal"
- DR-3A "No Change In MAP From Start to Run"
- DR-4A "MAP Voltage Too Low"
- DR-5A "MAP Voltage Too High"
- DR-6A "No Vehicle Speed Signal"
- DR-7A "Oxygen Signal Stays at Center"
- DR-8A "Oxygen Signal Shorted to Voltage"
- DR-9A "Coolant Sensor Voltage Too High"
- DR-10A "Coolant Sensor Voltage Too Low"
- DR-11A "Throttle Body Temp Voltage High"
- DR-12A "Throttle Body Temp Voltage Low"
- DR-13A "Throttle Position Sensor Voltage High"
- DR-14A "Throttle Position Sensor Voltage Low"
- DR-15A "Automatic Idle Speed Motor Circuits"
- DR-16A "Injector #1 Control CKT"
- DR-16B "Injector #1 Control CKT"
- DR-17A "Injector #2 Control CKT"
- DR-17B "Injector #2 Control CKT"
- DR-18A "Purge Solenoid Circuit"
- DR-19A "EGR Solenoid Circuit"
- DR-20A "EGR System Failure"
- DR-21A "A/C Clutch Relay Circuit"
- DR-22A "A/C Clutch Relay Circuit"
- DR-23A "Idle Switch Shorted Low"
- DR-24A "Idle Switch Open Circuit"
- DR-25A "Air Switching Solenoid Circuit"
- DR-26A "Torque Converter Lockup Solenoid CKT"
- DR-26B "Torque Converter Lockup Solenoid CKT"
- DR-27A "No ASD Relay Voltage Sense at Controller"
- DR-28A "Overdrive Solenoid Circuit" (W/O Lockup)
- DR-29A "Overdrive Solenoid Circuit" (W/Lockup)
- DR-30A "SBEC FailureEEPROM Write DeniedEMR Miles Not STRD"
- DR-31A Checking Secondary Ignition and Timing
- DR-32A Checking Fuel Pressure
- DR-32B Checking Fuel Pressure
- DR-33A Checking Coolant and TPS Calibration
- DR-34A Checking MAP Sensor Calibration
- DR-35A Checking Closed Throttle Switch
- DR-35B Checking Closed Throttle Switch
- DR-36A Checking Idle Speed Actuation Operation
- DR-37A Checking Solenoid Operation
- DR-38A Checking EGR Valve Operation
- DR-39A Checking the Air Switching System
- DR-40A Checking the Oxygen Sensor Switching
- DR-40B Checking the Oxygen Sensor Switching (Locked Lean)
- DR-41A Checking Park/Neutral Switch Input
- DR-42A Checking SBEC Ground and Power Circuits
- DR-43A Checking Engine Vacuum
- DR-44A Checking Minimum Air Flow
- DR-44B Checking Maximum Air Flow
- DR-44C Checking Maximum Air Flow
- DR-45A Performing No Fault Code Mechanical Test
- DR-46A Intermittent Test For Solenoids and Relays
- DR-47A Intermittent Test For Sensors
- DR-47B Intermittent Test For MAP Sensor Signal Change
- DR-48A Intermittent Test For AIS Motor CKT
- DR-49A Intermittent Test For Fuel Injectors
- Antilock Brakes / Traction Control Systems
- Test 1 - Module And Diagnostic Connector Inspection
- Test 2 - System Self Check
- Test 3 - Sensor Output and Physical Condition
- Test 4 - Checking Sensor Gap
- Test 5 - Brake Mechanical Problems
- Test 6 - Diagnostic Connector Ground
- Test 7 - Module Ground and Power
- Test 8 - Parking System and Module
- Test 9 - Intermittent Problems
- Test 10 - Open or Disconnected Park Brake Switch Connector
- Test 11 - Flashcodes
- Test 12 - One Flash
- Test 13 - Two Flashes
- Test 14 - Three Flashes
- Test 15 - Four Flashes
- Test 16 - Five Flashes
- Test 17 - Six Flashes
- Test 18 - Seven Flashes
- Test 19 - Eight Flashes
- Test 20 - Nine Flashes
- Test 21 - Ten Flashes
- Test 22 - Eleven Flashes
- Test 23 - Twelve Flashes
- Test 24 - Thirteen Flashes
- Test 25 - Fourteen Flashes
- Test 26 - Fifteen Flashes
- Test 27 - Sixteen or More Flashes
- Charging System (CH) Tests
- CH-1A Testing Battery
- CH-1B Testing Battery
- CH-2A Repair Fault Alt Field Not Switching Properly
- CH-2B Repair Fault Alt Field Not Switching Properly
- CH-2C Repairing Fault Alt Field Not Switching Properly
- CH-3A Repair Fault Charge System Voltage Too Low
- CH-4A Repair Fault Charge System Voltage Too High
- CH-4B Checking Engine Controller Regulating Circuit
- CH-4B Repairing Fault Charging System Voltage Too High
- CH-5A Check For Intermittent Problems
- Cruise Control
- Speed Control (SP) Tests
- SP-1A Reading Fault Codes
- SP-1A Reading Faults
- SP-2A Repairing Fault "Speed Control Solenoid Circuits"
- SP-2B Repairing Fault "Speed Control Solenoid Circuits"
- SP-2C Repairing Fault "Speed Control Solenoid Circuits"
- SP-3A Repairing Fault "No Vehicle Speed Signal"
- SP-3A Repairing Fault Code "No Vehicle Speed Signal"
- SP-3B Repairing Fault "No Vehicle Speed Signal"
- SP-3B Repairing Fault Code "No Vehicle Speed Signal"
- SP-4A Checking Speed Control Switches
- SP-5A Checking on/Off Switch
- SP-5A Checking On/Off Switch
- SP-5B Checking on/Off Switch
- SP-5B Checking On/Off Switch
- SP-6A Checking on/Off Switch
- SP-6B Checking on/Off Switch
- SP-7A Checking Resume Switch
- SP-8A Checking Resume Switch
- SP-9A Checking Set Switch
- SP-10A Checking Set Switch
- SP-11A Checking Brake Switch
- SP-11B Checking Brake Switch
- SP-12A Checking Neutral Safety Switch
- SP-13A Checking Speed Control Servo Operation
- SP-13B Checking Speed Control Servo Operation
- SP-14A Checking For Intermittent Faults
- SP-15A Reading Faults
- SP-16A Repairing Fault "Speed Control Power Relay Circuit"
- SP-17A Repairing Fault "No Vehicle Speed Signal"
- SP-18A Repairing Fault "Speed Control Solenoid Circuit"
- SP-18B Repairing Fault "Speed Control Solenoid Circuit"
- SP-18C Repairing Fault "Speed Control Solenoid Circuit"
- SP-19A Checking Switches
- SP-20A Checking Speed Control Switches
- SP-20B Checking Speed Control Switches
- SP-21A Checking Brake Switch
- SP-21B Checking Brake Switch
- SP-22A Checking Neutral Safety Switch
- Vehicle Communication Tests
- 1A General Failure Messages
- 2A Testing For RAM Failure
- 3A Testing For Cartridge Error Message
- 4A Testing for Keypad Failure
- 5A Testing for High Battery Message
- 6A Testing for Low Battery Message
- 7A Bus Failure Messages
- 106A Motorized Seat Belt Blank DRBII
- 107A Motorized Seat Belt No Response
- 107B Motorized Seat Belt No Response
- 108A Testing Diag Conn For Gnd/DRB For Proper Operation
- 109A Testing For No Response on the DRBII Message Screen
- 109B Testing For No Response on the DRBII Message Screen
- 110A Testing Bendix ABS System For Blank Message Screen
- 111A Testing Bendix ABS System For No Response Message
- Verification Tests