90000 MI or 144000 KM
Lubricate front ball joints.
Axle Pivot Bushing
Heavy Duty Service
Axle Joint
Heavy Duty Service
Ignition Timing
Drive Belt
Fluid - A/T
Light Duty Cycle
EFE Valve
Check and lubricate if equipped.
Wheel Bearing
Clean, inspect and repack front wheel bearings when replacing front brake pads and lubricate whenever rear axles are removed.
Air Injection
Inspect air injection system.
Spark Plug
Models with catalytic converters.
Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve
Ignition Rotor
Ignition Cable
Fuel Filter
Fluid - Transfer Case
Fluid - M/T
Evaporative Emissions System
Replace vacuum controlled emission components.
Engine Oil
If your mileage is less the 7,500 miles a yearly, replace the engine oil filter at each oil change.
EGR Valve
Replace EGR Valve and clean passages.
Distributor Cap