Exhaust System: Testing and Inspection
Note: A partially restricted or blocked exhaust system usually results in a loss of power or backfire up through the throttle body. Verify that the condition is not caused by ignition, compression or fuel system problems, then perform a visual inspection of the exhaust system. If the condition cannot be located by visual inspection, perform the easiest of the following procedures.
Pressure Testing The Exhaust System at The Oxygen Sensor:
1. Carefully remove O2 sensor using proper tool.
2. Install Exhaust Backpressure Tester in place of 02 sensor.
3. With the engine at normal operating temperature and running at 2500 rpm, observe the exhaust system backpressure reading on gauge.
4. If backpressure exceeds 1.25 psi (8.62 kPa), a restricted exhaust system is indicated.
5. Inspect the entire exhaust system for a collapsed pipe, heat distress, or possible internal muffler failure.
6. If there are no obvious reasons for the excessive backpressure, a restricted catalytic converter should be suspected, and replaced.
Note: Prior to installing O2 sensor:
a. Clean threads in exhaust manifold with an 18 mm X 1.5 + 6E tap.
b. Coat sensor threads with a nickel based anti-seize compound (Loctite 771-64 or equivalent). Do not use graphite or other anti-seize compounds.
1. With engine at normal operating temperature, connect a vacuum gauge to any convenient manifold vacuum source.
2. Run engine at 1000 rpm and record vacuum reading.
3. Increase rpm slowly to 2500 rpm, and note vacuum reading at a steady 2500 rpm.
4. If vacuum at 2500 rpm decreases more than 3" Hg, from reading at 1000 rpm, the exhaust system should be inspected for restrictions.
5. Disconnect exhaust pipe from engine and repeat Step 3 & 4. If vacuum still drops more than 3" Hg, with exhaust disconnected, check for exhaust manifold restriction.