Scan Tool [Diagnostic Readout Box (DRBII)]
Under Driver Side Of Dash:
A scan tool allows the technician to communicate with the Powertrain Control System, including On-board Diagnostics.
^ Using a scan tool the technician can read system performance information stored in the vehicle system controllers.
^ Displays the trouble codes stored in the various system controller memories.
^ Allows the technician to run tests of computer-controlled vehicle systems.
^ Leads the Technician through the diagnostic procedures, along with the instructions for the tests.
NOTE: Most test procedures in this reference assume that Chrysler's DRBII diagnostic read-out box is being used, it should be possible to apply the same test procedures using an equivalent scan tool.
Scan tools communicate with the controller for the vehicle system being tested, through the CCD Bus (pronounced "see squared dee" bus).
To perform the diagnostic tests using a scan tool:
^ Insert the proper cartridge into the scan tool.
^ Plug the correct adapter cable into the diagnostic connector and attach the power supply cable to the positive terminal of the battery.
NOTE: For more information, SEE Powertrain Management/Computers and Control Systems/Testing and Inspection/Procedures.