Brake System Bleeding
The brake system can be bled manually or with pressure equipment. Manual bleeding requires the aid of a helper. Pressure equipment allows the system to be bled by one person.All models are equipped with a front brake metering (hold off) valve. The metering valve is located within the combination valve. The metering valve balances brake action between the front disc and rear drum brakes during initial brake application.
The metering valve is designed to hold off fluid flow to the front disc brakes at pressures between 3 and 135 psi.
Pressures generated by gravity or manual type bleeding techniques will not affect the combination valve. However, pressure bleeding equipment will generate enough fluid pressure (20 - 30 psi) to close the valve, and prevent fluid flow to the from brakes. As a result, the valve must be held open with special tool C-4121 when using pressure bleeding equipment.
1. If new or overhauled master cylinder will be used, be sure to bleed cylinder on bench before installation.
2. Clean all dirt and foreign material from cylinder and cover to prevent dirt entering reservoirs. Then remove cover.
3. If Pressure Bleeding Tank C-3496-B, or similar equipment will be used, install necessary adapter on master cylinder and prepare tank for bleeding according to instructions provided by supplier.
Metering Valve Tool C-4121:
4. If pressure bleeding equipment will be used, hold metering valve open with Hold-off Tool C-4121. Tool is installed on valve stem to hold valve open.
CAUTION: Under no condition should a rigid clamp, wedge or block be used to hold the valve open. This practice could damage the valve resulting in valve failure and loss of front brake action. Note that the valve stem is in its innermost position when pressure is low. Do not attempt to press the valve stem inward any farther at this point. Such action will only damage the valve.
5. Bleed system in following sequence and bleed only one wheel or valve at a time:
- Antilock (RWAL) hydraulic valve
- Right rear wheel
- Left rear wheel
- Right front wheel
- Left front wheel
6. If pressure bleeding:
a. Attach bleed hose to RWAL valve bleed screw. Then submerge end of hose in container partially filled with brake fluid. Be sure hose end is submerged in fluid.
b. Open bleed tank valve to pressurize system.
c. Open bleed screw and allow fluid to flow through valve into container.
d. Stop bleeding when only clear, bubble free fluid flows through bleed hose into container.
e. Continue bleeding operations at wheel brake units in recommended sequence.
7. If manual bleeding:
a. Connect bleed hose to bleed screw on RWAL valve. Insert opposite end of bleed hose in glass container partially filled with brake fluid. Be sure end of hose is fully submerged in fluid otherwise air will be drawn back into system.
b. Open bleed screw and have helper press and hold brake pedal on floorpan.
c. Tighten bleed screw at this point and have helper release pedal.
WARNING: Do not pump pedal while bleeding. This compresses air into small bubbles which are distributed throughout the system. Additional bleeding operations will then be necessary to purge all air from system.
d. Open bleed screw and have helper press and hold pedal on floorpan again. Then close bleed screw.
e. Continue bleeding operations until only clear, bubble free fluid flows into container.
f. Continue bleeding operations in recommended sequence at wheel brake units.
8. Repeat bleeding procedure if system indicator lights remain on or if pedal is spongy.