1. Install differential assembly along with side bearings and races or master bearing gauges installed during overhaul.Fig. 10 Side bearing clearance check:
2. Mount suitable dial indicator on housing with plunger bearing against back of ring gear.
3. Push ring gear into contact with pinion, rocking gears to obtain proper mesh, then zero indicator with pressure still applied to ring gear.
4. Push ring gear away from pinion as far as possible, then record dial indicator reading. Repeat steps 3 and 4 several times until same reading is obtained each time.
5. Remove indicator and differential from housing.
6. Remove side bearings or master gauge bearings from case, then select side bearing shims as follows:
a. Select shims equal to dial indicator reading obtained in step 4, and install this shim pack on case bearing hub behind ring gear.
b. Subtract dial indicator reading obtained in step 4 from total side bearing clearance obtained in differential overhaul procedure, add 0.015 inch to the remainder to establish preload, and select shim pack equal to sum.
c. Install shim pack selected in step "b" on case hub on ring gear tooth side.
7. Press side bearings onto differential case, ensuring shim packs are properly located between bearings and case.
8. Install inner axle shaft oil seal, if equipped.
Fig. 4 Typical case spreader installation:
9. Install spreader and dial indicator on housing, as outlined during disassembly, then spread housing 0.015 inch.Do not spread housing more than 0.015 inch or housing will be permanently distorted.
10. Remove dial indicator, install differential case in housing, then remove spreader tool.
11. Install bearing caps in proper position, tap on ring gear to ensure case is seated, then torque bearing cap bolts to 35 ft. lbs. on models 30 and 35 axles, 80 ft. lbs. on model 44 axles, 70-90 ft. lbs. on model 60 axles and 85-90 on model 70 axles.
Fig. 27 Ring gear & pinion backlash check:
12. Mount suitable dial indicator on housing with plunger at right angle to ring gear teeth, and contact bearing against heel of tooth.
13. Hold pinion and rock ring gear back and forth, reading backlash from dial indicator.
14. If backlash is not within specifications, adjust as follows:
a. Remove differential assembly from housing and side bearings from differential as previously outlined.
b. If backlash is less than specified, increase thickness of shims on ring gear tooth side and decrease thickness of shims on opposite side by an equal mount. Total shim thickness must remain constant when adjusting backlash in order to maintain previously established preload.
c. If backlash is greater than specified, decrease thickness of shims on ring gear tooth side and increase thickness of shims on opposite side by an equal amount.
15. Install selected shims, press bearings onto differential case, then reinstall case as outlined in steps 9-11.
16. Coat drive and coast face of each ring gear tooth with suitable marking compound.
17. Apply braking force to differential case and turn pinion to rotate ring gear one full revolution in each direction.Proper tooth contact pattern cannot be obtained unless gears are loaded.
Fig. 28 Ring gear & pinion tooth contact check. Proper contact shown:
18. Contact pattern should be centered on ring gear teeth as shown.
19. Correct pinion shim thickness and/or backlash adjustment as needed to obtain proper contact pattern.
20. Repeat remaining disassemble procedures to complete assembly.