R-134a Systems
R-134a is a non-toxic, non-flammable, clear odorless liquefied gas.
R-134a refrigerant is not compatible with R-12 refrigerant. Even small amounts of R-12 in R-134a systems can cause lubricant contamination, improper A/C performance or compressor failure. Never add R-12 to an R-134a system.
Due to the different characteristics of R-134a it requires all new service procedures. Refer to Refrigerant Service Procedures in this section before making any repairs to the air conditioning system.
New service ports have been added to the compressor to prevent charging the system with R-12 refrigerant. R-134a systems require a special compressor lubricant. Use ND8 PAG compressor oil part No. 82300102 or equivalent when servicing system.
Avoid breathing A/C R-134a refrigerant and lubricant vapor or mist. Exposure may irritate eyes, nose and throat. Use only approved service equipment to discharge R-134a systems.