Electrical Test at Servo
1. Turn ignition switch and speed control switch to the On position, then connect a voltmeter to read battery voltage with negative lead on chassis ground.2. Disconnect servo 4-way connector.
3. Test blue/red wire on except Grand Cherokee models or blue/green wire on Grand Cherokee models, of the main harness 4-way connector for battery voltage. If no voltage is indicated, check for loose connections, brake switch adjustment, or repair main harness for an open circuit.
4. Connect a jumper wire between the male and female terminals of the blue/red wire on except Grand Cherokee models or blue/green wire on Grand Cherokee models. The other three male terminals from the servo should show battery voltage. If not, replace the servo.
5. Using an ohmmeter, connect one lead to a body ground. With the other lead, touch the black wire terminal in the 4-way connector of the main harness. Ohmmeter should show continuity. If not, repair ground wire for an open circuit.