Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Model 70

1. Support differential case and remove and discard ring gear bolts.
2. Remove ring gear from case, tapping with soft faced hammer. Do not pry gear from case as mounting surfaces will be damaged.
3. Drive out pin securing differential pinion shaft, then remove shaft.
4. Rotate side gear to roll differential pinions from case, and remove pinions and thrust washers, noting installation position for assembly.
5. Remove side gears and thrust washers from case, noting installation position.
6. Using bearing removal tool Nos. DD-914-P, DD-914-8, DD-914-62, DD-914-7 and DD-914-42 or equivalents, remove differential bearings. Ensure adapter rings do not cause force on bearing races.
7. Coat all components with specified lubricant prior to assembly. Components that are to be reused should be installed in original position to ensure proper operation.
8. Install side gears along with thrust washers in respective sides of case.
9. Install thrust washers on differential pinions using grease to adhere washers.
10. Position pinion assemblies in case 180° apart, then roll pinions into alignment with pinion shaft bores, ensuring thrust washers are in place.
11. Insert pinion shaft, aligning lockpin hole with hole in case, then secure shaft with new lockpin.
12. Support differential case, install ring gear and new ring gear bolts, then seat ring gear on case with suitable mallet.
13. Evenly torque ring gear bolts to 100-120 ft. lbs. for grade 8 bolts or 125-135 for grade 9 bolts.
14. Place master gauge bearings No. D117 on case hubs.
15. Install spreader tool and dial indicator on axle housing and spread case 0.015 inch as outlined during disassembly, then remove dial indicator.Do not spread housing more than 0.015 inch as housing will be damaged. Leave spreader tool installed only long enough to perform necessary service to prevent permanent distortion.
16. Mount differential in housing, install bearing caps, and tighten cap bolts hand tight and remove spreader if installed.

Fig. 10 Side bearing clearance check:

17. Mount suitable dial indicator on housing with plunger bearing against back of ring gear.
18. Pry differential case as far away from indicator as possible, inserting suitable lever between bearing race and housing.
19. Ensure that indicator plunger is still in contact with gear, then zero indicator.
20. Pry differential toward indicator, as far as possible, then record dial indicator reading. Repeat steps 18-20 until same reading is obtained each time. Recorded reading indicates shim thickness necessary to take up clearance between side bearings and housing. Shim pack thickness to be placed on bearing hubs between side bearings and case will be determined during "Final Assembly and Adjustment."
21. Remove dial indicator, bearing caps and differential assembly from housing, keeping side bearing races in proper position for assembly.