DRB Error Messages and Blank Screen
If any of the following error messages appear on the DRB screen, The DRB has an internal failure.- cartridge error
- low battery
- ram test failure
- high battery
- keypad test failure
If the DRB has a blank screen, do the following:
Data Link Connector:
- Ensure there is a good body ground at cavity 1 of the data link connector.
- Use the process of elimination: Sequentially substitute another cable, cartridge, and DRB until the condition is corrected.
Under normal operation, the DRB will display one of only two error messages:
- User-Requested WARM Boot
- User-Requested COLD Boot
If the DRB should display any other error message, record the entire display and call the scantool manufacturer for information and assistance.
Error Message Screen:
The above image is a sample of such an error message display:
If the LED's do not light or no sound is emitted at start up, check for loose cable connections or a bad cable. Check the vehicle battery voltage. A minimum of 11 volts is required to adequately power the DRB.
If all connections are proper between the DRB and the vehicle or other devices, and the vehicle battery is fully charged, an inoperative DRB may be the result of faulty cable or vehicle wiring. Perform Test 18A. TC-18A Generator Field Not Switching Properly
Diagnostic Readout Box:
Low temperatures will affect the visibility of the display. Adjust the contrast to compensate for this condition.