Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview
OVERHEATINGEstablish what driving conditions caused the complaint. Abnormal loads on the cooling system such as the following may be the cause:
Prolonged Idle, Very High Ambient Temperature, Slight Tail Wind At Idle, Slow Traffic, Traffic Jams, High Speed Or Steep Grades:
Driving techniques that avoid overheating are:
^ Idle with A/C off when temperature gauge is at end of normal range.
^ Increasing engine speed for more air flow is recommended.
Trailer Towing:
Consult Trailer Towing section of owner's manual. Do not exceed limits.
Air Conditioning; Add-on Or After Market:
A maximum cooling package should have been ordered with vehicle if add-on or after market A/C is installed. If not, maximum cooling system components should be installed for model involved refer to manufacturer's specifications.
Recent Service Or Accident Repair:
Determine if any recent service has been performed on vehicle that may effect cooling system. This may be:
^ Engine adjustments (incorrect timing)
^ Slipping engine accessory drive belt(s)
^ Brakes (possibly dragging)
^ Changed parts. Incorrect water pump or pump rotating in wrong direction due to belt not correctly routed
^ Reconditioned radiator or cooling system refilling (possibly under filled or air trapped in system).
NOTE: If investigation reveals none of the previous items as a cause for an engine overheating complaint, refer to Cooling System Diagnosis charts. Symptom Related Diagnostic Procedures