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42/44RE (A500) 4-Speed

Governor pressure is controlled electronically. Components used for governor pressure control include:
- Governor body
- Valve body transfer plate
- Governor pressure solenoid valve
- Governor pressure sensor
- Fluid temperature thermistor
- Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
- Transmission speed sensor
- Powertrain Control Module (PCM)


Governor Pressure Solenoid Valve:

The solenoid valve is a duty-cycle solenoid which regulates the governor pressure needed for upshifts and downshifts. It is an electro-hydraulic device located in the governor body on the valve body transfer plate.
The inlet side of the solenoid valve is exposed to normal transmission line pressure. The outlet side of the valve leads to the valve body governor circuit.
The solenoid valve regulates line pressure to produce governor pressure. The average current supplied to the solenoid controls governor pressure. One amp current produces zero kPa/psi governor pressure. Zero amps sets the maximum governor pressure.
The powertrain control module (PCM) turns on the trans control relay which supplies electrical power to the solenoid valve. Operating voltage is 12 volts (DC). The PCM controls the ground side of the solenoid using the governor pressure solenoid control circuit.


Governor Pressure Sensor:

The governor pressure sensor measures output pressure of the governor pressure solenoid valve.
The sensor output signal provides the necessary feedback to the PCM. This feedback is needed to adequately control governor pressure.

The transfer plate is designed to supply transmission line pressure to the governor pressure solenoid valve and to return governor pressure.
The governor pressure solenoid valve is mounted in the governor body. The body is bolted to the lower side of the transfer plate. The transfer plate channels line pressure to the solenoid valve through the governor body. It also channels governor pressure from the solenoid valve to the governor circuit. It is the solenoid valve that develops the necessary governor pressure.

Transmission fluid temperature readings are supplied to the transmission control module by the thermistor. The temperature readings are used to control engagement of the fourth gear overdrive clutch, the converter clutch, and governor pressure. Normal resistance value for the thermistor at room temperature is approximately 1000 ohms.
The PCM prevents engagement of the converter clutch and overdrive clutch, when fluid temperature is below approximately 10°C (50°F).
If fluid temperature exceeds 126°C (260°F), the PCM causes a 4-3 downshift and engage the converter clutch. Engagement is according to the third gear converter clutch engagement schedule.
The overdrive OFF lamp in the instrument panel illuminates when the shift back to third occurs. The transmission will not allow fourth gear operation until fluid temperature decreases to approximately 110°C (230°F).
The thermistor is part of the governor pressure sensor assembly and is immersed in transmission fluid at all times.


Transmission Output Speed Sensor:

The speed sensor is located in the overdrive gear case. The sensor is positioned over the park gear and monitors transmission output shaft rotating speed. Speed sensor signals are triggered by the park gear lugs as they rotate past the sensor pickup face. Input signals from the sensor are sent to the transmission control module for processing. The vehicle speed sensor also serves as a backup for the transmission speed sensor. Signals from this sensor are shared with the powertrain control module.

The TPS provides throttle position input signals to the PCM. This input signal is used to determine overdrive and converter clutch shift schedule and to select the proper governor curve.

The PCM controls operation of the converter clutch, overdrive clutch, and governor pressure solenoid.
The control module determines transmission shift points based on input signals from the transmission thermistor, transmission output shaft speed sensor, crankshaft position sensor, vehicle speed sensor, throttle position sensor, and battery temperature sensor.

There are four governor pressure curves programmed into the transmission control module. The different curves allow the control module to adjust governor pressure for varying conditions. One curve is used for operation when fluid temperature is at, or below, 1(C (30(F). A second curve is used when fluid temperature is at, or above, 10°C (50°F) during normal city or highway driving. A third curve is used during wide-open throttle operation. The fourth curve is used when driving with the transfer case in low range.

The shift valves are moved by a combination of throttle and governor pressure. The governor pressure is generated by electrical components.
The conditions under which a shift to fourth will not occur are:
- Overdrive switch is Off
- Transmission fluid temperature is below 10° C (50° F) or above 121° C (250° F)
- Shift to third not yet completed
- Vehicle speed too low for 3-4 shift to occur
- Battery temperature below -5° F.

The hydraulic control system provides fully automatic operation. The system performs five basic functions which are: pressure supply, pressure regulation, flow control, clutch/band application, and lubrication.

The pressure regulator valve maintains line pressure. The amount of pressure developed is controlled by throttle pressure which is dependent on the degree of throttle opening. The regulator valve is located in the valve body.
The throttle valve determines line pressure and shift speed. Governor pressure increases in proportion to vehicle speed. The throttle valve controls upshift and downshift speeds by regulating pressure according to throttle position.

Shift Valve Flow Control
The manual valve is operated by the gearshift linkage and provides the operating range selected by the driver.
The 1-2 shift valve provides 1-2 or 2-1 shifts and the 2-3 shift valve provides 2-3 or 3-2 shifts.
The kickdown valve provides forced 3-2 or 3-1 downshifts depending on vehicle speed. Downshifts occur when the throttle is opened beyond downshift detent position. Detent is reached just before wide open throttle position.
The 2-3 valve throttle pressure plug provides 3-2 downshifts at varying throttle openings depending on vehicle speed.
The 1-2 shift control valve transmits 1-2 shift pressure to the accumulator piston. This controls kickdown band capacity on 1-2 upshifts and 3-2 downshifts.
The 3-4 shift, quick fill, and timing valves plus the 3-4 accumulator, are only actuated when the overdrive solenoid is energized. The solenoid contains a check ball that controls a vent port to the 3-4 valves. The check ball either diverts line pressure away from or directly to the 3-4 valves.
The limit valve determines maximum speed at which a 3-2 part throttle kickdown can be made. On transmissions without a limit valve, maximum speed for a 3-2 kickdown is at detent position.
The 2-3 shuttle valve has two functions. The first is fast front band release and smooth engagement during lift-foot 2-3 upshifts. The second is to regulate front clutch and band application during 3-2 downshifts.
The 3-4 timing valve is moved by line pressure coming through the 3-4 shift valve. The timing valve holds the 2-3 shift valve in an upshift position. The purpose is to prevent the 2-3 valve from up or downshifting before the 3-4 valve.
The 3-4 accumulator is mounted on the overdrive housing and performs the same function as, the 2-3 accumulator; it is used to smooth engagement during a 3-4 shift.
The switch valve directs fluid apply pressure to the converter clutch in one position and releases it in the opposite position. It also directs oil to the cooling and lube circuits. The switch valve regulates oil pressure to the torque converter by limiting maximum oil pressure to 130 psi.

The overdrive OFF (control) switch is located on the gearshift lever. The switch is a momentary contact device that signals the PCM to toggle current status of the overdrive function. At key-on, overdrive operation is allowed. Pressing the switch once causes the overdrive OFF mode to be entered and the overdrive OFF switch lamp to be illuminated. Pressing the switch a second time causes normal overdrive operation to be restored and the overdrive lamp to be turned off. The overdrive OFF mode defaults to ON after the ignition switch is cycled OFF and ON. The normal position for the control switch is the ON position. The switch must be in this position to energize the solenoid and allow a 3-4 upshift. The control switch indicator light illuminates only when the overdrive switch is turned to the OFF position, or when illuminated by the transmission control module.

The overdrive clutch is applied in fourth gear only. The direct clutch is applied in all ranges except fourth gear. Fourth gear overdrive range is electronically controlled and hydraulically activated., Various sensor inputs are supplied to the powertrain control module to operate the overdrive solenoid on the valve body. The solenoid contains a check ball that opens and closes a vent port in the 3-4 shift valve feed passage. The overdrive solenoid (and check ball) are not energized in first, second, third, or reverse gear. The vent port remains open, diverting line pressure from the 2-3 shift valve away from the 3-4 shift valve. The overdrive control switch must be in the ON position to transmit overdrive status to the PCM. A 3-4 upshift occurs only when the overdrive solenoid is energized by the PCM. The PCM energizes the overdrive solenoid during the 3-4 upshift. This causes the solenoid check ball to close the vent port allowing line pressure from the 2-3 shift valve to act directly on the 3-4 upshift; valve. Line pressure on the 3-4 shift valve overcomes valve spring pressure moving the valve to the upshift position. This action exposes the feed passages to the 3-4 timing valve, 3-4 quick fill valve, 3-4 accumulator, and ultimately to the overdrive piston. Line pressure through the timing valve moves the overdrive piston into contact with the overdrive clutch. The direct clutch is disengaged before the overdrive clutch is engaged. The boost valve provides increased fluid apply pressure to the overdrive clutch during 3-4 upshifts, and when accelerating in fourth gear. The 3-4 accumulator cushions overdrive clutch engagement to smooth 3-4 upshifts. The accumulator is charged at the same time as apply pressure acts against the overdrive piston.

Converter clutch engagement in third or fourth gear range is controlled by sensor inputs to the powertrain control module. Inputs that determine clutch engagement are: coolant temperature, engine rpm, vehicle speed, throttle position, and manifold vacuum. The torque converter clutch is engaged by the clutch solenoid on the valve body. The clutch can be engaged in third and fourth gear ranges depending on overdrive control switch position. If the overdrive control switch is in the normal ON position, the clutch will engage after the shift to fourth gear, and above approximately 72 km/h (45 mph). If the control switch is in the OFF position, the clutch will engage after the shift to third gear, at approximately 56 km/h (35 mph) at light throttle.

The 3-4 quick fill valve provides faster engagement of the overdrive clutch during 3-4 upshifts. The valve temporarily bypasses the clutch piston feed orifice at the start of a 3-4 upshift. This exposes a larger passage into the piston retainer resulting in a much faster clutch fill and apply sequence. The quick fill valve does not bypass the regular clutch feed orifice throughout the 3-4 upshift. Instead, once a predetermined pressure develops within the clutch, the valve closes the bypass. Clutch fill is then completed through the regular feed orifice.

The drainback valve is located in the transmission cooler outlet (pressure) line. The valve prevents fluid from draining from the converter into the cooler and lines when the vehicle is shut down for lengthy periods. Production valves have a hose nipple at one end, while the opposite end is threaded for a flare fitting. All valves have an arrow (or similar mark) to indicate direction of flow through the valve.