Timing Components: Service and Repair
1. Remove front cylinder head cover and all 6 spark plugs.2. Rotate engine until the #2 piston is at TDC of the compression stroke.
3. Install a degree wheel on the crankshaft pulley.
4. With proper adaptor, install a dial indicator into #2 spark plug hole. Using the indicator find TDC on the compression stroke.
5. Position the degree wheel to zero.
6. Remove dial indicator from spark plug hole.
7. Place a 5.08 mm (0.200 inch) spacer between the valve stem tip of #2 intake valve and rocker arm pad. Allow tappet to bleed down to give a solid tappet effect.
8. Install a dial indicator so plunger contacts the #2 intake valve spring retainer as nearly perpendicular as possible. Zero the indicator.
9. Rotate the engine clockwise until the intake valve has lifted 0.254 mm (0.010 inch).
CAUTION: Do not turn crankshaft any further clockwise as intake valve might bottom and result in serious damage.
10. Degree wheel should read 6 degrees BTDC to 6 degrees ATDC.