Loss of Engine Performance
If a loss of performance is noticed, timing belt or chain may have skipped one or two teeth. Camshaft and crankshaft timing should be checked.It is important that the vehicle is operating to its optimum performance level to maintain fuel economy and lowest vehicle emissions. If vehicle is not operating to these standards, refer to Diagnosis and Testing found under Testing and Inspection. The following procedures can assist in achieving the proper engine diagnosis.
1. Test cranking amperage draw.
2. Check intake manifold for vacuum leaks.
3. Perform cylinder compression pressure test.
4. Clean or replace spark plugs as necessary and adjust gap as specified. Tighten to specifications.
5. Test resistance of spark plug cables.
6. Test ignition coils primary and secondary resistance. Replace parts as necessary.
7. Check fuel pump pressure at idle and different RPM ranges.
8. The air filter elements should be replaced.
9. Inspect crankcase ventilation system.
10. Road test vehicle as a final test.