Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Drain cooling system (refer to Cooling System for the proper procedures).
3. Remove the intake manifold-to-generator bracket support rod. Remove the generator.
4. Remove closed crankcase ventilation system.
5. Disconnect the evaporation control system.
6. Remove the air cleaner.
7. Perform fuel system pressure release procedure. Refer to Fuel Systems for the correct procedure.
8. Disconnect the fuel supply line.
9. Disconnect accelerator linkage and if so equipped, the speed control and transmission kickdown cables.
10. Remove distributor cap and wires.
11. Disconnect the coil wires.
12. Disconnect heat indicator sending unit wire.
13. Disconnect heater hoses and bypass hose.
14. Remove cylinder head covers and gaskets.
15. Remove intake manifold and throttle body as an assembly. Discard the flange side gaskets and the front and rear cross-over gaskets.
16. Remove exhaust manifolds.
17. Remove rocker arm assemblies and push rods. Identify to ensure installation in original locations.
18. Remove the head bolts from each cylinder head and remove cylinder heads. Discard the cylinder head gasket.
19. Remove spark plugs.
1. Position the new cylinder head gaskets onto the cylinder block.
2. Position the cylinder heads onto head gaskets and cylinder block.
Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
3. Starting at top center, tighten all cylinder head bolts, in sequence, to 68 Nm (50 ft. lbs.) torque. Repeat procedure, tighten all cylinder head bolts to 143 Nm (105 ft. lbs.) torque. Repeat procedure to confirm that all bolts are at 143 Nm (105 ft. lbs.) torque.
CAUTION: When tightening the rocker arm bolts, make sure the piston in that cylinder is NOT at TDC. Contact between the valves and piston could occur.
4. Install push rods and rocker arm assemblies in their original position. Tighten the bolts to 28 Nm (21 ft. lbs.) torque.
5. Install the intake manifold and throttle body assembly (refer to Intake Manifold).
6. Install exhaust manifolds. Tighten the bolts and nuts to 34 Nm (25 ft. lbs.) torque.
7. Adjust spark plugs to specifications. Install the plugs and tighten to 41 Nm (30 ft. lbs.) torque.
8. Install coil wires.
9. Connect heat indicator sending unit wire.
10. Connect the heater hoses and bypass hose.
11. Install distributor cap and wires.
12. Connect the accelerator linkage and if so equipped, the speed control and transmission kickdown cables.
13. Install the fuel supply line.
14. Install the generator and drive belt. Tighten generator mounting bolt to 41 Nm (30 ft. lbs.) torque. Tighten the adjusting strap bolt to 23 Nm (200 inch lbs.) torque. Refer to Cooling System for adjusting the belt tension.
15. Install the intake manifold-to-generator bracket support rod. Tighten the bolts.
16. Place the cylinder head cover gaskets in position and install cylinder head covers. Tighten the bolts to 11 Nm (95 inch lbs.) torque.
17. Install closed crankcase ventilation system.
18. Connect the evaporation control system.
19. Install the air cleaner.
20. Install the heat shields. Tighten the bolts to 41 Nm (30 ft. lbs.) torque.
21. Fill cooling system (refer to Cooling System for proper procedure).
22. Connect the battery negative cable.