Mainshaft End Play Adjustment
1. Install mainshaft rear bearing.2. Install mainshaft rear bearing cup in case and over bearing. Tap bearing cup into place with plastic mallet.
Fig. 126:
3. Install rear bearing plate to hold mainshaft and rear bearing in position. Do not install any end play shims at this time.
4. Tighten rear bearing plate bolts securely.
5. Place gear case in upright position on bench. Either cut hole in bench to accept drive gear and front retainer, or use C-clamps to secure transmission on bench. Do not leave transmission unsupported.
6. Install Extension Rod 8161 into a suitable threaded hole in rear of case.
7. Mount dial indicator on extension rod and position indicator plunger against end of mainshaft.
8. Move mainshaft forward to remove all play. Then zero dial indicator.
9. Move mainshaft upward and observe dial indicator reading. Move mainshaft with pry tool positioned between drive gear and case.
10. End play should be 0.051 - 0.15 mm (0.002 - 0.006 inch). Select fit shims are available to adjust end play, if necessary.
11. If end play adjustment is required, remove bearing plate and install necessary shim.
12. Reinstall rear bearing plate.
13. Apply MOPAR Lock N' Seal, or equivalent, bearing plate bolt threads. Then install and tighten bolts to 23 Nm (200 inch lbs.) torque. Be sure oil hole in bearing plate is at top as shown