Differential Repair
DISASSEMBLYNOTE: The differential is serviced as an assembly. Service is limited to bearing cups and cones. Any other failure must be repaired by differential assembly and transfer shaft replacement.
1. Remove transfer shaft.
2. Measure differential bearing turning torque.
3. Remove adapter plate seal.
4. Remove differential cover-to-transaxle case bolts (Fig. 140).
5. Remove differential cover (Fig. 141). Clean surfaces of old adhesive prior to reassembly.
6. Remove bearing retainer axle seal using slide hammer C-637 and Tool 7794A, or Tool L-4518.
7. Remove differential bearing retainer-to-transaxle case bolts (Fig. 142).
8. Remove bearing retainer from transaxle. Use to L-4435 to aid in removal by rotating retainer out of assembly (Fig. 143). Clean surfaces of old adhesive prior to reassembly.
9. Remove adapter plate-to-transaxle case bolts.
10. Remove extension housing from transaxle case. Use Tool L-4435 to aid in removal by rotating plate out of assembly. Clean surfaces of old adhesive prior to reassembly.
11. Measure and record differential side gear end play using dial indicator C-3339 and Tool C-4995.5Gas shown in (Fig. 144) and (Fig. 145). Side gear end play must be within 0.001 - 0.013 inch Replace differential assembly if outside this range.
12. Remove differential bearing cone (from extension housing side) using Tool C-293, and adapters C-293-3, and C-293-36 (Fig. 146).
13. Set up tools as shown in (Fig. 147) and (Fig. 148) to facilitate differential bearing removal from ring gear sloe.
14. Remove differential bearing cone (Fig. 149).
15. Remove bearing retainer bearing cup using Tool 6062A (Fig. 150) (Fig. 151). Remove shim and oil baffle.
NOTE: The differential is serviced as an assembly. Service is limited to bearing cups and cones. Any other failure must be repaired by differential assembly and transfer shaft replacement.
1. Install shim and bearing cup using Tool 5052 and driver handle C-4171 (Fig. 152). Install bearing cup into extension housing using Tool 6536 and driver handle C-4171.
2. Position bearing cone onto differential (Fig. 153), and install bearing cone using TOOL 6536 and driver handle C-4171 (Fig. 154).
3. Measure side gear end play using dial indicator C-3339 and Tool C-4996 (Fig. 155) (Fig. 156). Side gear end play must be between 0.001 and 0.013 inch.
4. Apply a bead of Mopar Silicone Rubber Adhesive Sealant to the adapter plate. Load differential assembly into position and install adapter plate.
5. Using Tool L-4435, index adapter plate until bolt holes align.
6. Install adapter plate-to-transaxle case bolts and torque to 28 Nm (250 inch lbs.) torque.
7. Apply a bead of Mopar Silicone Rubber Adhesive Sealant to the differential bearing retainer (Fig. 157).
8. Install bearing retainer and index using Tool L-4435 until bolt holes align (Fig. 158).
9. Install and torque bearing retainer bolts to 34 Nm (25 ft. lbs.) torque (Fig. 159).
10. Install bearing retainer axle seal using Tool L-4520 (inverted), and driver handle C-4171 (Fig. 160).
11. Install adapter plate axle seal using Tool L-4520 (inverted), and driver handle C-4171.
12. Check differential turning torque.
13. Apply an 1/8" bead of Mopar Silicone Rubber Adhesive Sealant to the differential cover (Fig. 161).
14. Install differential cover-to-transaxle case bolts and torque to 19 Nm (165 inch lbs.) torque (Fig. 162).
15. Install transfer shaft and related components.