Output Shaft Repair
NOTE: Transfer Gear should be removed for repair of output shaft, to obtain an accurate output shaft turning torque measurement upon reassembly.
NOTE: Transaxle geartrain must be removed to gain access to and service output shaft.
1. Using a suitable punch, bend retaining strap tabs flat to facilitate bolt removal (Fig. 236).
2. Remove retaining strap and stirrup-to-gear bolts (Fig. 237).
3. Remove retaining strap (Fig. 238).
4. Remove stirrup (Fig. 239).
5. Using Tool L-4434, remove output shaft retaining nut and washer (Fig. 240).
6. Using Tool L-4407 as shown in (Fig. 241), remove output shaft gear and select shim (Fig. 242).
7. Remove output shaft/rear annulus gear assembly (Fig. 243).
8. Remove output shaft gear bearing cone using Tool L-4406-1 and adapters L-4406-2 (Fig. 244).
9. Using an arbor press, remove output shaft from rear annulus gear (Fig. 245).
10. Using Tool L-4406-1 and adapters L-4406-2, remove rear planetary annulus gear bearing cone (Fig. 246).
11. Using Tool L-4518, remove output shaft gear bearing cup from rear of transaxle case (Fig. 247).
12. Using Tool L-4518, remove output shaft gear bearing cup from inside transaxle case (Fig. 248).
1. Install output shaft bearing cone using Tool L-4408, C-4171, and a suitable press (Fig. 249).
2. Install rear planetary annulus gear bearing -one using tool C-4637 and cup from Tool L-4518 (Fig. 250).
3. Using a press and a 1/2" socket to protect the shaft, install output shaft into rear planetary annulus gear (Fig. 251).
4. Using Tool L-4429-3, install both output shaft bearing cups to transaxle case (Fig. 252) (Fig. 253).
5. Determine output shaft bearing shim thickness. Shim thickness need be determined only if any of the following parts are replaced:
- Transaxle case
- Output shaft
- Rear planetary annulus gear
- Output shaft gear
- Rear annulus and output shaft gear bearing cones
- Overrunning clutch race cups
To determine proper shim thickness, Refer to Output Shaft Bearing Adjustment. Check output shaft bearing turning torque, using an inch-pound torque wrench. If turning torque is 3 - 8 inch lbs., the proper shim has been installed.
6. Install output shaft assembly with appropriate shim (Fig. 254) (Fig. 255).
7. Install output shaft gear onto shaft. Use Tool L-4439 to get gear started (Fig. 256).
8. Install Tool L-4434 and C-4658. Install washer and nut (Fig. 257).
9. Torque output shaft retaining nut to 271 Nm (200 ft. lbs.) (Fig. 258).
10. Set up Tool L-4432 and C-4658 as shown in (Fig. 259). Install dial indicator and measure output shaft end play.
11. Using an inch lbs. torque wrench, measure output shaft bearing turning torque (Fig. 260).
12. Install stirrup and strap. Install bolts but do not tighten.
NOTE: Once the stirrup assembly is positioned onto the output gear, it is necessary to "clock" the stirrup against the flats of the output gear retaining nut.
13. Rotate stirrup clockwise against flats of gear retaining nut (Fig. 261).
14. Torque stirrup and strap bolts to 23 Nm (200 inch lbs.) (Fig. 262).
15. Bend tabs of strap up against "flats"of retaining bolts to prevent bolts from backing out of gear in the event they come loose.
16. Install transfer shaft and gear.
17. Assemble transaxle geartrain.