DISASSEMBLYPosition transfer case in a shallow drain pan. Remove drain plug and drain any remaining lubricant remaining in case.
1. Remove rear extension bolts (Fig. 2).
2. Remove rear extension housing (Fig. 3). Tap extension once or twice with a plastic mallet to break sealer bead and loosen it.
3. Remove output bearing retaining ring with heavy duty snap-ring pliers (Fig. 4).
4. Remove rear retainer bolts (Fig. 5).
5. Loosen rear retainer with pry bar placed under flange (Fig. 6).
6. Remove rear retainer and output bearing as assembly (Fig. 7).
1. Shift transfer case into NEUTRAL.
2. Remove companion flange nut (Fig. 8). Discard nut after removal. It is not reusable.
3. Remove companion flange from front output shaft. Use a suitable puller if flange can not be removed by hand.
4. Remove companion flange rubber seal from front output shaft (Fig. 9).
5. Remove nut and washer that retain shift lever to sector shaft. Then remove shift lever from shaft (Fig. 10).
1. Remove output bearing retaining ring with heavy duty snap-ring pliers.
2. Remove output shaft bearing.
3. Note position of bolts that attach rear case to front case (Fig. 11). Some bolts/studs at ends of case require flat washers. Mark position of these bolts with paint or scriber.
4. Remove rear case-to-front case bolts.
5. Loosen rear case with pry tool to break sealer bead. Insert tool in slot at each end of case (Fig. 12).
6. Unseat rear case from alignment dowels (Fig. 13).
7. Remove rear case and oil pump assembly from front case.
8. Remove shift rail cup and spring (Fig. 14).
9. Remove front sprocket retaining ring (Fig. 15).
10. Pull mainshaft, front sprocket and chain outward about 25.4 mm. (1-inch) simultaneously (Fig. 16).
11. Remove chain from mainshaft drive sprocket and remove front sprocket and chain as assembly.
1. Remove vacuum/indicator switch (Fig. 17).
2. Loosen poppet plunger screw (Fig. 18).
3. Remove poppet plunger screw and spring (Fig. 19). Note that screw has O-ring seal. Remove and discard seal this seal.
4. Remove poppet plunger with magnet (Fig. 20).
5. Remove front output shaft from bearing in case (Fig. 21).
6. Pull mainshaft assembly out of input gear, sliding clutch and case (Fig. 22).
7. Remove mode fork, sliding clutch and shift rail as assembly (Fig. 23). Note which way clutch fits in fork (long side of clutch goes to front).
8. Remove range fork retaining ring.
9. Remove range fork and hub as an assembly (Fig. 24). Note fork position for installation reference.
10. Remove shift sector (Fig. 25).
11. Remove shift sector shaft nylon retainer and O-ring from shaft bore in front case (Fig. 26).
1. Remove retaining ring that secures synchronizer hub onto mainshaft (Fig. 27). Use standard (instead of parallel jaw) snap-ring pliers to remove this retaining ring.
2. Remove synchronizer hub (Fig. 28).
3. Inspect synchronizer hub struts and springs. If struts appear worn, remove struts and springs from hub. Note position of springs for installation reference (Fig. 29).
4. Remove brass stop ring (Fig. 30). Discard stop ring if worn, cracked, or any teeth are missing.
5. Remove drive sprocket (Fig. 31).
1. Remove front bearing retainer attaching bolts (Fig. 32).
2. Remove front bearing retainer. Pry retainer loose with pry tool positioned in slots at each end of retainer (Fig. 33).
3. Remove front bearing retainer seal. Tap seal out with drift and hammer.
4. Remove input gear retaining ring with heavy duty snap-ring pliers (Fig. 34).
5. Place front case in horizontal position. Then remove input gear and low range gear as an assembly (Fig. 35). Tap gear out of bearing with plastic mallet, if necessary.
1. Remove snap-ring that retains input gear in low range gear (Fig. 36).
2. Remove retainer (Fig. 37).
3. Remove front tabbed thrust washer (Fig. 38).
4. Remove input gear (Fig. 39).
5. Remove rear tabbed thrust washer from low range gear (Fig. 40).