Wheel Hub: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.
3. Remove the hub extension mounting nuts and remove the extension from the rotor if equipped.
4. Remove the brake caliper.
5. Remove the cotter pin and the hub nut from the axle shaft.
6. Disconnect the ABS wheel speed sensor wire from under the hood. Remove the sensor wire from the frame and steering knuckle if equipped.
7. Back off the hub/bearing mounting bolts 1/4 inch each. Then tap the bolts with a hammer to loosen the hub/bearing from the steering knuckle.
8. Remove the hub/bearing mounting bolts and remove the hub/bearing.
9. Remove the rotor assembly, brake shield and spacer from the steering knuckle.
10. Press out the wheel studs/hub extension studs and separate the rotor from the hub.
11. Remove the wheel speed sensor from the hub bearing if equipped.
1. Install the wheel speed sensor in the hub bearing if equipped.
2. Position the rotor on the hub/bearing.
3. Press the wheel studs/hub extension studs through the back side of the rotor and through the hub bearing flange.
4. Apply a liberal quantity of anti-seize compound to the splines of the front drive shaft.
5. Insert the two rearmost, top and bottom rotor hub bolts in the steering knuckle. Insert the bolts through the back side of the knuckle so they extend out the front face as shown.
6. Position the hub spacer and brake shield on bolts just installed in knuckle.
NOTE: If the vehicle is equipped with a wheel speed sensor the brake shield must be positioned on the hub bearing.
7. Align the rotor hub with the drive shaft and start the shaft into the rotor hub splines.
NOTE: Position wheel speed sensor wire at the top of the knuckle if equipped.
8. Align the bolt holes in the hub bearing flange with the bolts installed in the knuckle. Then thread the bolts into the bearing flange far enough to hold the assembly in place.
9. Install the remaining bolts. Tighten the hub/ bearing bolts to 166 Nm (122 ft. lbs.)
10. Install the washer and hub nut and tighten to 245 Nm (180 ft. lbs.).
11. Install a new cotter pin in the hub nut. Tighten the nut as needed to align the cotter pin hole in the shaft with the opening in nut.
12. Install the brake caliper.
13. Install the sensor wire to the steering knuckle and frame and if equipped. Connect the wheel speed sensor wire under the hood.
14. Install the wheel and tire assemblies.
15. Remove the support and lower the vehicle.
16. Apply the brakes several times to seat the brake shoes and caliper piston. Do not move the vehicle until a firm brake pedal is obtained.