Keyless Entry Transmitter: Description and Operation
REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY TRANSMITTERThe Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter for either RKE system is equipped with two buttons, labeled Lock and Unlock. It is also equipped with a key ring and is designed to serve as a key fob. The operating range of the transmitter radio signal is up to 7 meters (23 feet) from the RKE receiver. The RKE receiver is integral to the power lock and RKE module, or the Central Timer Module (CTM) in vehicles equipped with the optional Vehicle Theft Security System (VTSS).
Each RKE transmitter has a different vehicle access code, which must be programmed into the memory of the RKE receiver in the vehicle in order to operate the RKE system. The power lock and RKE module can retain the access codes of two transmitters in its memory, while the CTM can retain the access codes of up to four transmitters. (Refer to POWER LOCKS/REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY TRANSMITTER - STANDARD PROCEDURE - RKE TRANSMITTER PROGRAMMING).
The RKE transmitter operates on two Duracell DL2016, Panasonic CR2016 (or equivalent) batteries. Typical battery life is from one to two years. The RKE transmitter cannot be repaired and, if faulty or damaged, it must be replaced.
See the owner's manual in the vehicle glove box for more information on the features, use and operation of the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitters.