Programming and Relearning
Any time a power liftgate component is removed, replaced or a liftgate adjustment is performed a learn cycle must be performed. This learn cycle enables the power liftgate control module to learn or relearn information (travel limits, resistance to door travel, etc.) which allows it to perform properly and safely. To perform a learn cycle do the following:1. Obtain a DRB III scan tool.
2. Connect the DRB III to the vehicle and check for any power liftgate system stored trouble codes, correct and erase any stored codes.
3. Using the DRB III, Go into Test Routine Menu and select the power open command.
4. Select the power close command.
5. The liftgate learn cycle is complete.
If a DRB III scan tool is not available the learn cycle can be performed by actuating the liftgate by using any of the normal command switches. Be certain to cycle the liftgate through a complete open and close cycle before returning the vehicle to service.
NOTE: If the power liftgate will not complete a full cycle a problem exists with the power liftgate system. (Refer to ELECTRICAL/POWER DOORS - DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING).