Front Clutch
DISASSEMBLY1. Remove the waved snap-ring, reaction plate, clutch plates, and clutch discs.
2. Compress clutch piston retainer and piston springs with Compressor Tool C-3863-A (Fig. 94).
3. Remove retainer snap-ring and remove compressor tool.
4. Remove clutch piston springs (Fig. 95). Note position and number of piston springs for assembly reference.
5. Remove clutch piston from retainer with a twisting motion.
6. Remove and discard clutch piston inner and outer seals.
Inspect the front clutch components. Replace the clutch discs if warped, worn, scored, burned or charred, the lugs are damaged, or if the facing is flaking off. Replace the steel plates and reaction plate if heavily scored, warped, or broken. Be sure the driving lugs on the discs and plate are also in good condition. The lugs must not be bent, cracked or damaged in any way.
Replace the piston springs and spring retainer if either are distorted, warped or broken.
Check the lug grooves in the clutch piston retainer. The steel plates should slide freely in the slots. Replace the piston retainer if the grooves are worn or damaged. Also check action of the check ball in the piston retainer. The ball must move freely and not stick. Replace the retainer bushing if worn, scored, or there is any doubt about bushing condition.
Inspect the piston and retainer seal surfaces for nicks or scratches. Minor scratches can be removed with crocus cloth. However, replace the piston and/or retainer if the seal surfaces are seriously scored. Check the clutch piston check ball. The ball should be securely in place. Replace the piston if the ball is missing, or seized in place.
NOTE: The 48RE transmission uses five plates and discs for the front clutch.
1. Soak clutch discs in transmission fluid.
2. Install new inner piston seal onto the outer diameter of the clutch retainer inner hub.
3. Install new outer seal onto the clutch piston. Be sure seal lips of both seals face the interior of the retainer.
4. Lubricate new inner and outer piston seals with petroleum jelly.
5. Install clutch piston in retainer. Use twisting motion to seat piston in bottom of retainer. A thin strip of plastic (about 0.015 - 0.020 inch thick), can be used to guide seals into place if necessary.
CAUTION: Never push the clutch piston straight in. This will fold the seals over causing leakage and clutch slip. In addition, never use any type of metal tool to help ease the piston seals into place. Metal tools will cut, shave, or score the seals.
6. Install and position nine clutch piston springs (Fig. 96).
7. Install spring retainer on top of piston springs.
8. Compress spring retainer and piston springs with Tool C-3863-A.
9. Install spring retainer snap-ring and remove compressor tool.
10. Install clutch plates and discs (Fig. 97). Five clutch discs, five steel plates and one reaction plate are required.
11. Install reaction plate followed by waved snapring.
12. Check clutch pack clearance with feeler gauge (Fig. 98). Clearance between waved spring and pressure plate should 2.5 - 4.09 mm (0.098 - 0.161 inch). If clearance is incorrect, clutch plates, clutch discs, snap-ring, or pressure plate may have to be changed.