Engine Controls - Programming Generic PCMs
NUMBER: 18-029-07GROUP: Vehicle Performance
DATE: April 26, 2007
Generic Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Procedure
This bulletin involves programming a generic PCM with software.
2004 (AN) Dakota
2004 - 2005 (CS) Pacifica
2004 - 2005 (DR) Ram Truck
2004 - 2005 (JR) Sebring Convertible/Sebring Sedan/Stratus Sedan
2004-2005 (KJ) Liberty
2004 - 2005 (KJ) Cherokee (International Markets)
2002 - 2004 (LH) 300M/Concorde/Intrepid
2004-2005 (PL) Neon
2004 - 2005 (PT) PT Cruiser
2004 - 2005 (RG) Chrysler Voyager (International Markets)
2004 - 2005 (RS) Town & Country/Caravan/Voyager
2005 (TJ) Wrangler
Refer to the table for specific applications.
Mopar(R) is currently phasing out pre-programmed PCMs for the vehicles listed. New modules will no longer be pre-programmed when received from Mopar(R). Replacement of future PCMs will require programming utilizing the DRBIII(R) and TechCONNECT. The PCM will not operate the engine until it is programmed. A Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) will be set - "not programmed".
Extreme care must be taken when programming a calibration into a generic PCM. Do not randomly select a calibration. Once a calibration is selected and programmed, the controller cannot be reprogrammed to a different calibration. The module can only be reprogrammed to a more recent version of that calibration.
An updated J1962 cable has been released. This cable has a red colored connector at the DRBIII(R) connection. Use this cable whenever a flash is being performed.
When flashing a 2002 - 2004 LH vehicle the BCM may need to be disconnected if experiencing failures during the flash of the transmission portion of the PCM. The BCM will need to be disconnected after the module ID portion of the flash is complete. Before pressing Page Forward to begin the flash of the PCM Turn the Key to the OFF position and disconnect the BCM. Then turn the KEY to the RUN position and Press Page Forward to begin the PCM flash session.
If vehicle is a DAKOTA, then the ABS CAB module connector MUST be disconnected prior to performing this Repair Procedure. The CAB module and the PCM are connected at the same diagnostic connector pin (Pin # 9). Turn ignition switch to the OFF position, disconnect the CAB module connector, and reprogram the PCM per the Repair Procedure. When reprogramming is complete turn the ignition switch to the OFF position, connect the CAB module connector, and then check for any erroneous DTC's. If the PCM becomes "locked" during reprogramming because the ABS CAB module connector was not disconnected, then the PCM may be recovered by following the procedure in this NOTE.
Whenever a controller is programmed, the software in the DRBIII(R); must be programmed with the latest revision level available.
If this flash process is interrupted/aborted, the flash should be restarted and then follow the directions on the DRBIII(R).
1. Before beginning the reprogramming procedure, remove any old flash reprogramming files from the DRBIII(R) memory. To clear the memory from the MAIN MENU power up the DRBIII(R) and then:
a. Simultaneously press the "MORE" and "YES" keys.
b. A screen will appear requesting a "COLD BOOT".
c. Follow the on screen instructions by selecting the "F4" key.
d. When the DRB III(R) reboots to the MAIN MENU, proceed to Step 2.
If your vehicle is a 2002 LH and the original PCM part number begins with 04 the technician should use the 2002 LH Part Number Reference chart above to determine the corresponding "NEW" part number. This new number from the chart should then be entered into the Tech tools application as the original part number. If the original PCM number begins with 05 no change to the flash selection process is required.
2. With the ignition switch in the "RUN" position, determine the original part number of the PCM currently in the vehicle. Using the DRBIII(R) select:
a. "DRBIII(R) Standalone"
b. "1998 - 2004 Diagnostics"
c. "All (Except Below)"
d. "Engine"
e. "Module Display"
f. Record the first ten (10) characters of the "PCM part # " on the repair order for later reference.
If the PCM is not operational, the part number can be obtained from the label on the old controller. If the label on the controller is not legible, proceed to next step.
3. Page back to the "Main Menu"
4. Determine if the vehicle is equipped with SKIM. Using the DRBIII(R) select:
a. "DRBIII Standalone"
b. "1998 - 2004 Diagnostics"
c. "All"
d. "System Monitor"
e. "J1850 Module Scan"
f. Look for "SKIM" in the list of modules.
5. If the vehicle is not equipped with SKIM then proceed to step 6. If the vehicle is equipped with SKIM obtain the vehicle Personal Identification Number (PIN) before continuing with step 6. This information is available from one of the following:
a. The original selling invoice.
b. The DealerCONNECT system under the "Sales" or "Parts" tabs - select "Key Codes".
c. By contacting the DaimlerChrysler Customer Assistance Center (DCCAC) at 1-800-992-1997.
Failure to install the SKIM pin number into the module after flashing the PCM will cause a start and stall condition.
6. Replace the PCM using the appropriate generic control module. Refer to the service information available in TechCONNECT or the appropriate service manual in Section 8E, Electronic Control Modules, Powertrain Control Module, Removal/Installation.
7. Open the hood, install a battery charger and verify battery state is above 11.5 volts.
8. If the old "PCM part # " is known, proceed to step 14. If the old "PCM part # " is not known, proceed to next step.
9. On DealerCONNECT select the "Service" tab.
10. Select "Vehicle Information Plus".
11. Manually enter the VIN and mileage and select "Enter".
12. Select the "Vehicle Option" tab.
13. Under the "Vehicle Option window, identify and record:
a. Engine.
b. Emissions (Federal or California).
c. Transmission (Automatic, 5-speed manual, etc.).
14. Connect the DRBIII(R) to TechCONNECT and the vehicle. Open TechTOOLS and verify that the "DRBIII(R) Status: Connected" message is in the upper right corner of the TechTOOLS screen.
15. TechTOOLS should automatically populate the VIN in the "Vehicle Criteria area and the available updates. If not, manually enter the VIN then TechTOOLS will populate the available updates.
Do NOT enter the generic controller part number in step 16a below.
16. Determine the proper calibration:
a. If the old "PCM part # " is known, enter the part number of the old controller in the "Parts Criteria p/n window. Proceed to step 16.
b. If the old "PCM part # " is not known, select the correct calibration based on the information that was recorded from "Vehicle Options" in step 13.
17. Select the correct calibration.
18. Select the "Download/Update button.
19. Monitor the "Flash Download/Update Progress" window on the TechCONNECT and follow the instructions on TechCONNECT/DRBIII(R). When the flash process is completed, proceed to next step.
20. Enter the VIN in the PCM. Using the DRBIII� select:
a. "DRBIII Standalone"
b. "1998 - 2004 Diagnostics"
c. "All"
d. "Engine"
e. "Miscellaneous"
f. "Check VIN"
g. If the vehicle is not equipped with SKIM proceed to step 20h. If the vehicle is equipped with SKIM follow the directions on the DRBIII(R). When the VIN and SKIM key has been programmed, proceed to step 20.
h. Enter the VIN as requested by the DRBIII(R).
21. Update the PCM mileage. Using the DRBIII(R) select:
a. "DRBIII(R) Standalone"
b. "1998 - 2004 Diagnostics"
c. "All (Except Below)"
d. "Engine"
e. "Miscellaneous"
f. "Check PCM Odometer"
g. "NO"
h. Enter the current odometer mileage and then press "Enter".
i. Cycle the ignition key to the OFF position and back to the ON position and then press "Enter".
22. Proceed as follows:
a. If the vehicle is equipped with an automatic transmission, proceed to step 24.
b. If the vehicle is equipped with a non-turbo engine and manual transmission, it is not necessary to set the pinion factor. Proceed to step 24.
c. If the vehicle is equipped with a Turbo engine and manual transmission, proceed to step 23.
23. On vehicles equipped with a Turbo engine and manual transmission, set the Pinion Factor. Using the DRBIII(R) select:
a. "DRBIII� Standalone"
b. "1998 - 2004 Diagnostics"
c. "All (Except Below)"
d. "Engine"
e. "Miscellaneous"
f. "Pinion Factor"
g. Select the correct tire size and then select "Page Back" to exit.
h. Proceed to step 24.
24. On vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission, set the Pinion Factor. Using the DRBIII(R) select:
a. "DRBIII(R) Standalone"
b. "1998 - 2004 Diagnostics"
c. "All (Except Below)"
d. "Transmission"
e. "Transmission Module"
f. "Miscellaneous"
g. "Pinion Factor"
h. Select the correct tire size and then select "Page Back" to exit.
i. Enter "Quick Learn" and then follow the instructions on the DRBIII(R).
Due to the PCM programming procedure, a DTC may be set in other modules (TCM, BCM, MIC, SKIM, etc.) within the vehicle, if so equipped. Some DTC's may cause the MIL to illuminate. Check all modules using "Module Scan", record the DTC's, and erase these DTC's prior to returning the vehicle to the customer. Erase any DTC's in the PCM only after all other modules have had their DTC's erased.
The following step is required by law.
25. Type the necessary information on the "Authorized Modification Label" p/n 04275086AB and attach near the VECI label (Fig 1).
Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty.
Refer to Quick Labor Operations or the appropriate Labor Operation Time Schedule manual.
This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair.