Transmission Simulator and Electronic Transmission Adapter
TRANSMISSION SIMULATOR (MILLER TOOL # 8333) AND ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION ADAPTER KIT (MILLER TOOL # 8333-1A)NOTE: Remove the starter relay when using the Transmission Simulator.
- Failure to remove the starter relay can cause a PCM - No Response condition.
- The removal of the starter relay will also prevent the engine from starting in gear.
- The Transmission Simulator will not accurately diagnose intermittent faults.
The transmission simulator, simply put, is an electronic device that simulates the electronic functions of any NGC controlled transmission. The simulator's basic function is to aid the technician in determining if an internal transmission problem exists or if the problem resides in the vehicle wiring or control module. It is only useful for electrical problems. It will not aid in the diagnosis of a failed mechanical component, but it can tell you that the control module and wiring are working properly and that the problem is internal.
The ignition switch should be in the lock position before attempting to install the simulator. Follow all instructions included with the simulator. If the feedback from the simulator is in doubt, you can verify it's operation by installing it on a known good vehicle. A "known good vehicle" would be defined as a vehicle that does not set any DTC's and drives and shifts as expected.
One important point to remember is that the Simulator receives it's power from the Trans Relay Output circuit. If the transmission system is in Limp-in (Relay open), the simulator will not operate. This is not really an indication of a problem, but an additional symptom. If the simulator does not power up ("P" led lit), this is an indication that the problem is still present with the simulator hooked up. This indicates that the problem is in the wiring or control module and not the transmission.
Miller Tool # 8333-1A consists of the adapter cables and overlay necessary to adapt the simulator to TE/AE/LE/RLE transmissions.