Structural Dust Cover - Installation
CAUTION: The structural cover must be installed as described in the following steps. Failure to do so will cause severe damage to the cover.
1. Position the structural cover in the vehicle.
2. Install all four bolts retaining the cover-to-engine. DO NOT tighten the bolts at this time.
3. Install the four cover-to-transmission bolts. Do NOT tighten at this time.
CAUTION: The structural cover must be held tightly against both the engine and the transmission bell housing during tightening sequence. Failure to do so may cause damage to the cover.
4. Torque the (4) structural dust cover bolts that go into the transmission to 6-11 Nm (50-100 in.lbs.).
5. Torque the (4) structural dust cover bolts that go into the engine block to 6-11 Nm (50-100 in.lbs.).
6. Starting with the two rear cover-to-engine bolts, tighten bolts (1) to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.), then tighten bolts (2) and (3) to 54 Nm ( 40 ft. lbs.) in the sequence shown.
7. Install the exhaust pipe on left hand exhaust manifold.
8. Tighten exhaust manifold-to-exhaust pipe retaining bolts to 20-26 Nm (15-20 ft. lbs.).
CAUTION: The 7/16 inch engine block to clutch housing bolts must be loosened before removal/installation of the structural dust cover. Clutch housing distortion will occur if this procedure is not followed.
1. Position the structural cover in the vehicle.
CAUTION: The structural cover must be installed as described in the following steps. Failure to do so will cause severe damage to the cover, and engine noise.
2. Install all bolts retaining the cover-to-engine. DO NOT tighten the bolts at this time.
3. Install the cover-to-transmission bolts. Do NOT tighten at this time.
CAUTION: The structural cover must be held tightly against the corner formed by the engine and the transmission clutch housing during tightening sequence. Failure to do so may cause damage to the cover and engine noise.
4. Torque the (2) structural dust cover bolts that go into the clutch housing to 6-11 Nm (50-100 in.lbs.).
5. Torque the (4) structural dust cover bolts that go into the engine block to 6-11 Nm (50-100 in.lbs.).
6. Torque the structural cover bolt that is closest to the rear face of block on the passenger side of block to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.).
7. Torque the structural cover bolt that is closest to the front face of block on the drivers side to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.).
8. Torque the remaining (2) structural cover bolts that go into the block in an "X" pattern to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.).
9. Torque the structural cover bolts that go into the clutch housing to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.).
10. Torque the 7/16 inch engine block to clutch housing bolts to 68 Nm (50 ft. lbs.).