1. Position bypass hose clamps to center of hose.
2. Install bypass hose to engine.
3. Secure both hose clamps.
4. Fill cooling system Service and Repair.
5. Start and warm the engine. Check for leaks.
1. Position bypass hose clamps to center of hose.
2. Install bypass hose to engine.
3. Secure both hose clamps.
4. Install generator-A/C mounting bracket assembly to engine. Tighten bolts to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.) torque. Tighten bolts to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.) torque.
5. Install a new O-ring to the heater hose coolant return tube (4). Coat the new O-ring with antifreeze before installation.
6. Install coolant return tube and its mounting bolt to engine.
7. Connect throttle body control cables.
8. Install oil dipstick mounting bolt.
9. Install idler pulley. Tighten bolt to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.) torque.
10. Install drive belt Accessory Drive Belt - Installation.
11. Install air cleaner assembly.
12. Install upper radiator hose to radiator.
13. Connect wiring harness to A/C compressor.
14. Connect battery negative cable.
15. Fill cooling system Service and Repair.
16. Start and warm the engine. Check for leaks.