ABS Brake Bleeding
ABS system bleeding requires conventional bleeding methods plus use of the scan tool. The procedure involves performing a base brake bleeding, followed by use of the scan tool to cycle and bleed the HCU pump and solenoids. A second base brake bleeding procedure is then required to remove any air remaining in the system.
1. Perform base brake bleeding,.
Base Brakes - Manual Bleeding
Base Brakes - Pressure Bleeding
2. Connect scan tool to the Data Link Connector.
3. Select ANTILOCK BRAKES, followed by MISCELLANEOUS, then ABS BRAKES. Follow the instructions displayed. When scan tool displays TEST COMPLETE, disconnect scan tool and proceed.
4. Perform base brake bleeding a second time,.
Base Brakes - Manual Bleeding
Base Brakes - Pressure Bleeding
5. Top off master cylinder fluid level and verify proper brake operation before moving vehicle.