Entertainment System - Back Seat TV Diagnostics: Overview
NUMBER: 08-010-08GROUP: Electrical
DATE: March 15, 2008
Sirius Backseat IV Diagnostic Procedures
This bulletin is being provided to aid in diagnosis of the Sirius Backseat TV system based on different symptoms as seen on the screen displays. All diagnostic tests should be performed outside in an open and "known good Satellite TV reception area.
2008 (LX) 300/Magnum/Charger
2008 (RT) Caravan/Town & Country
2008 (WK) Grand Cherokee
2008 (XK) Commander
This bulletin applies to vehicles equipped with Backseat Video (sales code RSV).
Refer to the diagnosis section of this bulletin for the appropriate symptoms list below:
^ No backseat audio and video is playing properly
^ No backseat video (black screen) and audio is playing properly
^ No backseat video (black screen) and audio is not playing
^ Blue Sirius backseat TV tuning box displayed with buffer bar empty. No change in display, this logo is continuously displayed and does not change (No flicker, No green flash, No reset occurs)
^ Blue Sirius backseat TV tuning box displayed with buffer bar empty. Approximately every 15 seconds a green flash occurs followed by a black screen and then the Sirius backseat TV logo is displayed again
^ Blue Sirius backseat TV tuning box displayed with full buffer bar. No change in display, this logo is continuously displayed and does not change. (No flicker, No green flash, No reset occurs)
^ Blue on full screen, display shows - SIRIUS BACKSEAT TV - TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 888-539-SIRIUS (7474)
Information Only.
This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair.