Position transfer case in a shallow drain pan. Remove drain plug and drain any remaining lubricant remaining in case.
1. Install two bolts 180° apart into the front output shaft companion flange.
2. Place holder (1) over the bolts (2) and against the companion flange.
3. Remove and discard the front companion flange nut.
4. Remove the companion flange from the front output shaft. It may be necessary to use Pinion Flange Remover 8992 to remove the companion flange.
5. Use a suitable chisel or pry tool to remove the rear extension housing (1) dust boot (2).
6. Use a suitable chisel or pry tool to remove the rear extension housing seal.
7. Remove rear extension (1) bolts (2).
8. Remove rear extension housing (2). Tap extension once or twice with a plastic mallet to break sealer bead and loosen it.
1. Disengage the oil pump pick-up tube (2) from the oil pump (1).
NOTE: The oil pump pick-up tube seals to the oil pump with an o-ring. Verify that the o-ring was removed with the tube and is in good condition. Replace the o-ring if necessary.
2. Remove the oil pump (3).
3. Remove rear case (2) -to-front case (1) bolts (3).
4. Remove the rear output shaft bearing inner snap-ring (3) from the output shaft (1) using suitable snap-ring pliers.
5. Remove the rear output shaft bearing inner snap-ring (3) from the output shaft (1).
6. Loosen rear case (2) from front case (1) with pry tool to break sealer bead. Insert tool at each end of case.
7. Unseat rear case from alignment dowels.
8. Remove the rear case (2) from the front case (1).
1. Remove the oil pick-up tube (3) and screen from the front case half (1).
2. Remove the front output shaft (1) drive sprocket (2) retaining ring (3).
3. Remove the rear output shaft (1) drive sprocket (2) retaining ring (3).
4. Pull front sprocket (3), rear sprocket, and chain (2) upward until clear of the front and rear output shaft sprocket splines.
5. Remove chain and sprockets as an assembly.
1. Remove the bolts (3) that hold the shift motor assembly (2) to the transfer case (1).
2. Remove the shift motor assembly (2) from the transfer case (1).
3. Remove the sector support with Socket 9033.
4. Loosen detent plug (2).
5. Remove detent plug (2), spring (3), and plunger (4). Note that the plug has an O-ring seal. Remove and discard this seal.
6. Using a screw mounted in a slide hammer, remove the front output shaft seal.
7. Remove the front output shaft snap-ring (2).
8. Remove front output shaft (2) from bearing in front case (1).
9. Pull mainshaft assembly (2) out of input gear, mode sleeve, and front case (1).
10. Remove mode fork, mode sleeve (1), and shift rail (2) as assembly. Note which way the sleeve fits in the fork (long side of sleeve goes to front or the points on the sleeve teeth go to the rear of case).
11. Remove range fork (2) and hub (1) as an assembly. Note fork position for installation reference.
12. Remove the shift sector (1).
1. Remove the clutch gear (2) from the output shaft (1).
2. Remove the mode hub (2) retaining ring (3) from the mainshaft (1).
3. Remove the mode hub (2) from the mainshaft (1).
4. Remove the drive sprocket drive hub (2) from the mainshaft (1).
1. Remove input gear seal with suitable screw and slide hammer.
2. Remove input gear (1) retaining ring (2) with heavy duty snap-ring pliers.
3. Place front case in horizontal position. Then remove input gear and low range gear as an assembly (2). Tap gear out of bearing with plastic mallet, if necessary.
4. Remove snap-ring (2) that retains input gear (1) in the low range gear.
5. Remove retainer (2).
6. Remove front thrust plate (2).
7. Remove input gear (1).
8. Remove bottom tabbed thrust washer (2) from low range planetary (1).