Water Leaks
WARNING: Do not use electric shop lights or tools in water test area, serious or fatal injury can result
- This manual applies to all Journey models, 2009 MY and beyond.
- If a leak cannot be reproduced, it is due to the period of time the vehicle is under wet conditions. Some leaks may take hours before leaking.
- If a leak cannot be reproduced, apply all the repairs as noted in the diagnosis chart.
- It is important to understand where the leak ENDS up when diagnosing the vehicle. Where the leak ends up, does not always explain where the leak originates. Refer to the diagnosis chart when determining which repairs to perform.
- This repair procedure does NOT cover every possible water leak on the Journey. The issues identified in this document are the severe leaks that may occur in the field.
- Generally, a car wash is the preferred method to diagnose a vehicle.
- The content identifies the severe areas of water leaks, the critical characteristics of each area and how to repair them.
Water Leak Tests
When the conditions causing a water leak have been determined, simulate the conditions as closely as possible.
If a leak occurs with the vehicle parked in a steady light rain, flood the leak area with an open-ended garden hose. If a leak occurs while driving at highway speeds in a steady rain, test the leak area with a reasonable velocity stream or fan spray of water. Direct the spray in a direction comparable to actual conditions. If a leak occurs when the vehicle is parked on an incline, hoist the end or side of the vehicle to simulate this condition. This method can be used when the leak occurs when the vehicle accelerates, stops or turns. If the leak occurs on acceleration, hoist the front of the vehicle. If the leak occurs when braking, hoist the back of the vehicle. If the leak occurs on left turns, hoist the left side of the vehicle. If the leak occurs on right turns, hoist the right side of the vehicle.
Water Leak Detection
To detect a water leak point-of-entry, do a water test and watch for water tracks or droplets forming on the inside of the vehicle. If necessary, remove interior trim covers or panels to gain visual access to the leak area. If the hose cannot be positioned without being held, have someone help do the water test.
Some water leaks must be tested for a considerable length of time to become apparent. When a leak appears, find the highest point of the water track or drop. The highest point usually will show the point of entry. After leak point has been found, repair the leak and water test to verify that the leak has stopped. Locating the entry point of water that is leaking into a cavity between panels can be difficult. The trapped water may splash or run from the cavity, often at a distance from the entry point. Most water leaks of this type become apparent after accelerating, stopping, turning, or when on an incline.
Mirror Inspection Method
When a leak point area is visually obstructed, use a suitable mirror to gain visual access. A mirror can also be used to deflect light to a limited-access area to assist in locating a leak point.
Parts Required:
- Paintable Clear Seam Sealer
Diagnosis Chart -
Repair Procedure For Rear Roof/Body Side/Header Seams
1. If customer experience water leaks at the rear of the vehicle, remove the headliner. Headliner - Removal
Figure 1 - Rear seams critical joints
2. Inspect all joints between the roof and the body side aperture at the rear of the vehicle. When a water leak is found at the rear of the vehicle proceed to perform the water test with an open-ended garden hose pointed at the rear of the vehicle (roof and rear seams) for at least 15 minutes or until the water path was visual.
3. Apply Paintable Clear Seam Sealer onto any seam where water is entering the vehicle.
NOTE: If a joint is visible to the customer the application of clear sealer will not be highly noticeable to the customer.
4. Re-install the headliner. Headliner - Installation
Repair Procedure For Bulkhead/Cowl Seams
1. If the customer experiences a wet floor at the front of the vehicle remove the instrument panel. Instrument Panel - Removal
2. Remove the Cowl Trim. Cowl Trim Panel - Removal
Figure 2 - Bulkhead and Cowl seam sealer
3. Inspect all Bulkhead (1) and Cowl (2) body seams for seam sealer skips.
4. Apply Paintable Clear Seam Sealer to all seam sealer voids.
5. Re-Install the instrument panel. Instrument Panel - Installation
6. Re-Install the Cowl Trim. Cowl Trim Panel - Installation
Repair Procedure For Floor/Tub Seams
1. If the customer experiences a damp and/or wet floor around the seats, cargo area or front of the vehicle remove the carpet. Carpet - Removal
Figure 3 - Front floor sealing application
2. Inspect all front floor seam sealer (1) around the seat mounting locations, cargo area and the front of the vehicle.
Figure 4 - Rear seats sealing application
3. Inspect all rear floor and seat mounting seam sealer locations (2).
Figure 5 - Rear cargo area sealing applications
4. Inspect all rear cargo area seam sealer locations (3).
5. Fill all voids with Paintable Clear Seam Sealer.
6. Re-install the carpet. Carpet - Installation