Part 3
35. Remove the rear sun gear (2) and #7 needle bearing (1)(Figure 35).
NOTE: The number seven needle bearing (1)(Figure 36) has three antireversal tabs and is common with the number five and number two position. The orientation should allow the bearing to seat flat against the rear sun gear. A small amount of petrolatum can be used to hold the bearing to the rear sun gear.
NOTE: Verify that Compressor (1) is centered properly over the 2/4 clutch retainer (4) before compressing. If necessary, fasten the bar to the bellhousing flange with any combination of locking pliers and bolts to center the tool properly.
36. Install and load Compressor to remove the 2/4 clutch retainer snap ring (3)(Figure 37).
NOTE: The 2/4 Clutch Piston has bonded seals which are not individually serviceable. Seal replacement requires replacement of the piston assembly.
37. Remove the 2/4 clutch retainer (1)(Figure 38).
38. Remove the 2/4 clutch return spring (1)(Figure 39).
39. Remove the 2/4 clutch pack (1, 2)(Figure 40).
40. Remove the tapered snap ring (4)(Figure 41).
41. Remove the low/reverse reaction plate (1)(Figure 42).
42. Remove one (1) low/reverse clutch disc to facilitate snap ring removal. (Figure 43)
43. Remove the low/reverse reaction plate snap ring (2)(Figure 44).
44. Remove the low/reverse clutch pack (1, 2)(Figure 45).
CAUTION: Failure to grind and open stakes (4) (Figure 46) of the output shaft nut will result in thread damage to the shaft during nut removal.
WARNING: Wear safety goggles while grinding stake nuts.
45. Using a die grinder or equivalent, grind the stakes in the shoulder of the shaft nut (2) (Figure 47) as shown. Do not grind all the way through the nut and into the shaft. There are two stakes on each nut.
46. Using a small chisel (1), carefully open the stakes on nut (2)(Figure 48).
47. Remove output shaft snap ring.
48. Use Wrench (1) (Figure 49) and Wrench (2) to remove the output shaft nut.
49. Remove the output shaft (1) (Figure 50) from case (3) using a shop press (2).
50. Use Remover (2) (Figure 51) with a shop press (1) to remove the front output shaft bearing cup.
51. Use Remover (2) (Figure 52) and Universal Handle (1) and Handle Extension to press the rear output shaft bearing cup rearward.
52. Remove the rear carrier front bearing cone (3)(Figure 53).
53. Install and load compressor (4) (Figure 54) as shown.
54. Remove the low/reverse belleville spring snap ring (1)(Figure 55).
55. Remove the low/reverse piston belleville spring (1)(Figure 56).
56. Remove the park sprag pivot retaining screw.
57. Drive out the anchor shaft using suitable punch (1)(Figure 57).
58. Remove the guide bracket pivot pin (1)(Figure 58). Inspect all components for wear and replace if necessary.
NOTE: The Low/Reverse Clutch Piston has bonded seals which are not individually serviceable. Seal replacement requires replacement of the piston assembly.
59. Remove the low/reverse clutch piston (1)(Figure 59).
60. Remove the low/reverse piston retainer screws.
61. Remove low/reverse piston retainer (1)(Figure 60).
62. Remove the low/reverse piston retainer gasket (2)(Figure 61).