Water Leaks
- This manual applies to all Ram models, 2009 MY and beyond.
- Each leak area can have multiple root causes, as noted in the diagnosis chart. It is important to water test each repair before starting the next.
- If a leak cannot be reproduced, it is due to the period of time the vehicle is under wet conditions. Some leaks may take hours before leaking.
- If a leak cannot be reproduced, apply all the repairs as noted in the diagnosis chart.
- It is important to understand where the leak ENDS up when diagnosing the vehicle. Where the leak ends up, does not always explain where the leak originates. Refer to the diagnosis chart when determining which repairs to perform.
- This repair procedure does NOT cover every possible water leak on the RAM. The issues identified in this document are the severe leaks that may occur in the field.
- Generally, a car wash is the preferred method to diagnose a vehicle.
- The content identifies the known areas of water leaks, the critical characteristics of each area and how to repair them.
Diagnosis Chart -
Repair Procedure For Windshield Urethane
Required Parts:
- Mopar Glass Sealer
- Paintable Clear Seam Sealer
Potential Parts Required:
- Molding, Windshield, Right (Only replace if damage occurs during removal)
- Molding, Windshield, Left (Only replace if damage occurs during removal)
Two Methods Of Testing:
Windshield Urethane Skip Repair
1. If the leak is determined to be adjacent to the windshield, then the A-Pillar windshield molding (1) should be removed. The windshield molding can be removed pulling it away from the cab at its four attach points (2), Windshield A-Pillar Weatherstrip - Removal
Figure 2 - Exposed Body Seam (1)
Sealer skips or pinholes can be seen along the exposed body seams (1)
A special area of concern is where the windshield and body seams meet at the upper a-pillar (1), which is shown
2. Once the windshield molding is removed, inspect for sealer skips. Apply Mopar Glass Sealer to any skip in the urethane around windshield.
3. For sealer skips in the A-Pillar body seam apply a Clear Hi-Flow Paintable Seam Sealer.
4. Prior to re-assembly, re-test the area to ensure it is properly sealed.
5. Carefully reinstall windshield molding. Windshield A-Pillar Weatherstrip - Installation
Repair Procedure For Roof/Body Seams
Required Parts:
- Paintable Clear Seam Sealer
Potential Parts Required:
- Molding - Roof Ditch Right
- Molding - Roof Ditch Left
1. Gain access to the A-Pillar body seam and roof ditch seam by removing the windshield A-Pillar molding and roof ditch molding. Windshield A-Pillar Weatherstrip - Removal
Dashed line indicates starting and ending points (path) for clear sealer
2. Using the diagram above apply Paintable Clear Seam Sealer along the whole length of the roof ditch (1), beginning at the A-pillar (3) and ending at the Roof to Aperture/Rap Joint (2). Be certain to cover any and all pin holes.
3. Prior to re-assembly, re-test the area to be certain it is properly sealed.
4. Reinstall windshield A-Pillar molding and Roof Ditch molding. Windshield A-Pillar Weatherstrip - Installation
Repair Procedure For Sunroof Drain System
1. Inspect for water dripping from Overhead Console, also inspect for water marks/stains and/or dampness on Headliner.
2. Lower the headliner. Headliner - Removal Inspect all four sunroof drain tubes (2) and make certain all connections are secure to each barb (3).
3. Verify that all four drain tubes are securely fastened, prior to re-assembly. Re-test the area by opening sunroof and using a small cup of water, slowly pour water into sunroof trough (1) to make certain water flows and the drains are properly sealed.
4. Install Headliner. Headliner - Installation
5. Inspect both rear sunroof drain tube grommets (1) behind rear seat to make sure they are fully seated into the inner rear cab (2).
Repair Procedure For Sunroof Glass System
1. Using the specifications listed, Adjustments Visually inspect sunroof glass (1) flushness to roof panel (2).
2. If adjustments need to be made to the sunroof glass (1) height and gap tolerances, Adjustments
Repair Procedure For CHMSL (3rd Brake Light)
Parts Required:
- Mopar Glass Sealer
1. Remove the CHMSL (Center High Mounted Stop Lamp) assembly.
2. Apply 1/8 inch bead of Heavy Bodied Sealer (3) around the lamp (1) on the foam gasket material (2), leaving no gaps.
3. Install the CHMSL assembly.
4. Remove any excess sealer that squeezes out onto the painted surface or exterior lamp assembly.
Repair Procedure For Back-Glass/Power Slider
Parts Required:
- Mopar Glass Sealer
Figure 9 - Check Back Glass Drains (1)
1. For the back-glass drains (1) being plugged or restricted the back-glass will have to be removed and replaced.
2. If the water leak is found around the parameter of the back-glass due to urethane skips it is recommended to apply Mopar Glass Sealer.
3. Water test area inspecting for water entering vehicle. If water still enters vehicle, back-glass will have to be replaced.
Repair Procedure For Aperture/Cab-Back Seams
Parts Required:
- Paintable Clear Seam Sealer
Figure 10 - Rat Hole Locations (1)
1. Inspect both areas indicated.
2. If a skip crack or pinhole is found use Paintable Clear Seam Sealer. Apply sealer as indicated in illustrations below.
It is important to fill the entire seam located within the brackets to be certain of full coverage and proper sealing of the rat hole.
Figure 11 - Roof/Aperture Rap Joint
3. Apply clear sealer on entire seam indicated within the bracket.
Figure 12 - Cab Back/Body Seam
4. Apply clear sealer on entire seam indicated within the bracket.
Repair Procedure For Cab-Back Exhauster
1. Review examples below of what to look for and make certain they are properly installed and seated against the body of the vehicle. Example1: Seal folded - Example 2: Exhauster not fully seated
2. If any of the conditions are found remove exhauster from vehicle inspect for tearing or ripping of the seal. If seal has no tears or rips then reinstall on to vehicle making sure it clicks in on all four corners and that the seal is not rolled.
3. If seal is damaged or torn then replace body exhauster.