WARNING: The normal operating temperature of the exhaust system is very high. Therefore, never attempt to service any part of the exhaust system until it is cooled. Special care should be taken when working near the catalytic converter. The temperature of the converter rises to a high level after a short period of engine operation time.
WARNING: If torches are used when servicing the exhaust system, do not allow any flame near the fuel lines or the fuel tank. Failure to follow these instructions may result in possible serious or fatal injury.
1. Raise vehicle.
2. Remove the mounting nuts (3) from the front muffler pipe flange to maniverter flange.
3. Using a suitable jack stand. Support the exhaust system.
4. Remove the front muffler isolators.
5. Remove the rear muffler (1) isolator.
6. Loosen exhaust pipe strap clamp (1).
7. Remove the muffler outlet pipe (3) from the resonator pipe (2).